I find it very hard to believe that genetics and natural metabolism doesnt play a big role in fat burning. Of course the Pros might not have to do cardio, but thats because like you stated, the insane amount of drugs and great genetics. My lifting partner has never went above 9-10% while bulking and that is while eating everything in site, he cant put fat no matter how hard he tries, his metabolism is that fast. He easily can cut down to 6-7% with just diet and training. Me on the other hand has a very slow metabolism. I have went from 9% bf to 18% in a matter on months while bulking.
Now, If me and him were to try and cut down in say a 3 month period, a little comp per say, you are trying to tell me that a strict diet and training will keep me right on pace with him, i dont think so. I agree that it is possible, but it will take me about 6 months to lose the amount of bf he lost in 2 months. Now, lets say I throw in cardio, are you saying that it would not speed the process up and make op the difference in our metabolism differences??
someone please answer this