I am 4 weeks into my recovery and ready to go back to the old routine: Here it is
Mon: Chest/ Bis
Barbell flat 4 sets - Barbell curls 4 sets
Incline Dumbell 3 sets - seated dbl curls 3 sets
flyes 3 sets - concentration curls 3 sets
Wed: Legs/ Shoulders
Squats 4 sets - Dumbell presses 4 sets
Leg press 3 sets - Side laterals 4 sets
extensions 3 sets - Bent over laterals 4 sets
lunges 3 sets - ( super setted w/ uprights)
Fri: Back/ Tris
Barbell bent over rows 3 sets - Wieghted Dips 4 sets
dbl rows 3 sets - Press downs 3 sets
pull downs to front 4 sets - Skull crushers 4 sets
shrugs 4 sets - One arm behind head press
3 sets
I like the idea of doing tris on opposite end of the week than chest. Push pull works great for me. I dont believe in prefatiguing anything, its a cop out in my opinion.
Forearms, calves and abs done tues and thurs. Weekend is completely free.
Mon: Chest/ Bis
Barbell flat 4 sets - Barbell curls 4 sets
Incline Dumbell 3 sets - seated dbl curls 3 sets
flyes 3 sets - concentration curls 3 sets
Wed: Legs/ Shoulders
Squats 4 sets - Dumbell presses 4 sets
Leg press 3 sets - Side laterals 4 sets
extensions 3 sets - Bent over laterals 4 sets
lunges 3 sets - ( super setted w/ uprights)
Fri: Back/ Tris
Barbell bent over rows 3 sets - Wieghted Dips 4 sets
dbl rows 3 sets - Press downs 3 sets
pull downs to front 4 sets - Skull crushers 4 sets
shrugs 4 sets - One arm behind head press
3 sets
I like the idea of doing tris on opposite end of the week than chest. Push pull works great for me. I dont believe in prefatiguing anything, its a cop out in my opinion.
Forearms, calves and abs done tues and thurs. Weekend is completely free.