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Sassy69 said:SO...on larger bbing men for example...that could be as much as 400 grams or more...assuming 8 meals per day(which is a LOT)...then its about 50 grams per meal...a lot more than what some recommend as a max amount
.. if u subscribe to the idea that a female body can't process more than say 36 g protein / 2 hrs -- that's the only way to consume that much. I'm not saying i know its a fact but that is the concept as my trainer has established it.
and yes I'm trying to find that reference, but if u follow that idea, that's how it works.
I dunno. I'm 5'9 240 21" arms and 29" legs and I barely take 300g of protein a day much less the amounts you guys are talking about. Females should be even more careful. There are 2 byproducts of protein consumption
1. water
2. ammonia
People can actually small like ammonia if they swallow too much protein. I think this is a bigger problem for females since they don't have as much muscle therefore less protein requirements.
Read these threads
Basically the consensus in my opinion is WAYYY overstated to the point of the above symtoms. Even protein can be abused, so females what your intake.