I would think the second workout would make a lot of the earlier stuff obsolete, too much wear and tear on muscles involved in both, like the arms i guess. Kind of like people who go to the gym and will do one muscle group for 3 hours, this cant be good can it?
Research has shown that. Your soreness will be gone, your enomorphines will put you in state of high ... (grass will do it better anyways).
And you pain will disappear!
It seems that the best way is still to do high volume. For advanced people its up to 6 days per week 2x daily.
If it was as easy as doing few sets few times per week to build muscle,
dont you think MORE people would be bigger???
Guys like Arthur Jones are more intersted in markteing their equipment to as much people as possible.
That how business works! Now you would get only hardocre bodybuilders/strength athletes buy his equipment. General Public wants an easy way out. They want to beleive that 1 set 1 per week per muscle is enough. Arthur Jones WANT more people to buy his equipment! And besides if you spend less time at his machines, more people will be able to use it... More revenue , McDonalds style!! fast take-out!
Frankly I wish it could be the case. Howeever riches only go to the strong!
I would think the second workout would make a lot of the earlier stuff obsolete, too much wear and tear on muscles involved in both, like the arms i guess. Kind of like people who go to the gym and will do one muscle group for 3 hours, this cant be good can it?
Ed Coan doesnt complain that his 875 pound squat for 3 tears him up. Russian national powerlifting team who benches up to 8 times per week dopesnt complain of all the heavy weight ruining their joints.
ARNOLD DIDNT COMPLAIN about double split training PLUS 14 hours of driving tanks.
Hungarian weightlifters (one of the best) train up to like 20 times per week. They dont strike and quit from such workload! They suck it up and do what works best!
If you are afraid of hurting yourself, then just quit. Bodybuilding isnt sport where you hug other people and spend time with flowers!!
time constraints are a big facxtor since you want ample time for nutrition and rest. I know it is really hard for my body to do two INTENSE workouts at max levels in one day. I feel you would be shorting yourself, a little cardio and fine tuning might be in order. Such as calves and abs at night...
Training at the night ofcourse cant be as intense as the one before... Z(Actually trainign for second time after 2-3 hour break increased my strength in squatting.
Howeever dont underwork, whioch is often the reason why people dont gain. And dont cite studies that (falsely) say that you should train less.
Here is good quote from t-mag
Guys today "can't" squat because of their back problems. Arnold knew in the '70s that those who spout excuses and cite "studies" are basically just afraid of hard work. One of my favorite pics of Arnold shows him doing insanely heavy squats, barefooted, with no safety supports. Poor guy must not have read all of those scientific studies! "
ssalex first of all are you going to grow a certain bodypart if you are doing a light workout, why would he lower intensity just cuz he is working out twice a day, you still need to lift intensely for each bodypart. though even if it was light, you are going to be active, this is not gonna speed up recovery but slow it in my opinion.
Two key points to this article, besides the reasearch that supports this idea, are one;you cut your training volume in half and spread it over two workouts, you do not double your workload simply because you are training twice.Second, a three week period was used.You don't train like this all the time.Poliquin recommends two weeks of multiple sessions/day alternated with at least one week of regular training, i.e. one session per day.Again, here is a previously posted link, by Poliquin this time, about the different types of two a day sessions.
The major complaint of most people when they hear about this type of training is that it is too intense.That's true of everything when you first try it whether it is supersets, drop sets, maxing out.Intensity is one way to build bigger and stronger muscles, and you have to manipulate intensity in order to achieve a certain level of development and also to avoid overtraining.Going back to the first article, take a look at the population of Haakkinen's study.The test subjects were women.All I hear in the gym and on the boards are a bunch of guys talking about how they can bench 350 or squat 500 but they balk at the idea of splitting their volume in half and training twice in one day.Then you've got these female athletes making documented gains on an idea that is supposedly too intense for a bunch of strong lifters like us?Too intense is starting to sound like a copout to me.
ssalex first of all are you going to grow a certain bodypart if you are doing a light workout, why would he lower intensity just cuz he is working out twice a day, you still need to lift intensely for each bodypart. though even if it was light, you are going to be active, this is not gonna speed up recovery but slow it in my opinion.