Lean pork like tenderloin isn't a terrible protein source but for the most part, pork really isn't a good food choice. It has the lowest bioavailability out of any meat and a very poor amino acid profile. It is very low in Leucine. Pork also has more fat and calories gram per gram then poultry, beef, fish etc. It's ok for the occasional cheat meal here and there but it's not sketching you should regularly have in your diet. Pigs are absolute garbage guts as well. My sister is in pre veterinary school and they have to be super careful to make sure there is no pop cans or garbage in the pig pens or the animals will actually start to eat it. Farmers sell the meat by weight and feed the animals absolute crap knowing they will eat whatever.
Besides the occasional cheat meal or sunday night dinner, I wouldn't include pork regularly in a cutting diet. Poultry, lean steak, wild fish and eggs/egg whites are all much better protein sources.