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Might be an easy answer for some. No judging in this thread please...just friendly discussion.
I thought about it myself and despite the difficulties of dragging my ass to the gym at the ass crack of dawn, trying to squeeze in meals throughout the day while still being productive, meal prep etc.....I'm 100% sure I would still at least train regularly. I just love training. Nothing like having my headphones blasting, shutting out the world, and just giving it hell. If someone invented a magic pill that kept you looking huge and lean with no effort....maybe I'd take it....but I would still train. It's the only part of the day I really look forward to other than my head hitting the pillow.
The dieting part....F that noise. There's nothing fun about dieting of being disciplined in what you eat. I want pancakes, ice cream, fried oreos, cheesecake, all the good shit.
I thought about it myself and despite the difficulties of dragging my ass to the gym at the ass crack of dawn, trying to squeeze in meals throughout the day while still being productive, meal prep etc.....I'm 100% sure I would still at least train regularly. I just love training. Nothing like having my headphones blasting, shutting out the world, and just giving it hell. If someone invented a magic pill that kept you looking huge and lean with no effort....maybe I'd take it....but I would still train. It's the only part of the day I really look forward to other than my head hitting the pillow.
The dieting part....F that noise. There's nothing fun about dieting of being disciplined in what you eat. I want pancakes, ice cream, fried oreos, cheesecake, all the good shit.