this is how it goes!
Chest - mon
bench press x 3
incline press x3
flys x 2
Back- tues
chins x 3
bent over rows x 3
deadlifts x3
legs- wed
Squats x4
lunges or leg extentions x3
SL deadlifts x3
calve raises x 3
Shoulders- thurs
db pressx3
side laterals x3
shrugs x3
Arms- Friday
skull crushers x3
weighted dips x3
bb curlls x3
db curls x3
I am a 21 year old male seeking help on building a lot of mass over the next few years naturally. I am an ectomorph eat lots still working on diet as it is most crucial but if anyone could help with the routine it would be great thanks.
Chest - mon
bench press x 3
incline press x3
flys x 2
Back- tues
chins x 3
bent over rows x 3
deadlifts x3
legs- wed
Squats x4
lunges or leg extentions x3
SL deadlifts x3
calve raises x 3
Shoulders- thurs
db pressx3
side laterals x3
shrugs x3
Arms- Friday
skull crushers x3
weighted dips x3
bb curlls x3
db curls x3
I am a 21 year old male seeking help on building a lot of mass over the next few years naturally. I am an ectomorph eat lots still working on diet as it is most crucial but if anyone could help with the routine it would be great thanks.