Ok firstly your lacking size on your shoulders and back, your arms need more work cant see to much of your legs. chest looks ok but your shoulders are letting you down for simertry..!
To me your shape looks a bit well your missing a prominate V im not being nasty.
Right i personally think you should change your training and diet
Firstly eat every hour on the hour stay full the whole day long but eat clean your food looks good from what i can see but with a diet that clean i was expecting you to be a bit more ripped than you are. so im guessing your not eating enough food and or your fat content of some of the food your eating is to high.
Right with your training u suggest you try this just for 8 weeks with eating lots of food.
Monday Chest:
Do no more than 5 types of excercise I do bench, incline fly, cables, flat fly etc do 4 sets of 16 drop set each set to failure.
Tuesday Arms: again no more than 5 excercises 4 sets per excercise and 16 reps drop setting pick 5 from your exsisting plan.
Wednesday Legs: again no more than 5 excercises 4 sets per excercise and 16 reps drop setting pick 5 from your exsisting plan.
Thursday Shoulders: again no more than 5 excercises 4 sets per excercise and 16 reps drop setting pick 5 from your exsisting plan.
Friday Back: again no more than 5 excercises 4 sets per excercise and 16 reps drop setting pick 5 from your exsisting plan.
saturday and sunday rest try and go as heavy as you can but complete all the reps per set you should be in alot of pain on the last set but complete it with a spot.
This worked really well for me when i was bulking up for my compitition in two weeks
Combine this with as much sleep as you can get and 200mg to 250mg of test and 200mg of deca for 8 weeks and post your pics again you will be alot bigger as long as you stick to it like super glue..!
If your not getting on with 16 reps drop down to 10 reps and always do your abs at the end of every workout dont do any cardio for the moment we can do that after your weight has gone up then bulk up again..!
Good luck