New member
Please creatique photo (dont be to harsh)pic should work now
Here is a picture of me last summer before i bulked over winter. Before I started lifting I was 180lbs and 36 waist. Its been 3 years since i started lifting dedicated before i did it on and off and ate whatever. My goal was to lose the fat and build from there. Well it worked and went down to a 30 waist and 130lb very small. Did a cycle of just deca over summer and took a picture 4weeks in at 145lb ate very clean and strict. I got my training and eating down so I decided to bulk with a real cycle since I did research as well. Well since I was so skinny I decided to eat clean meals but if i saw something i wanted to eat i ate it but I kept my protein up real high and had a little cheat each day with no cardio. Well I did a cycle with this of test and deca 500mg,450mgweek. I am 175 in the pics and they are taken in the morning 5 weeks after post therpy and I think I looked bigger at end of cycle but didnt lose to much I think its because I just did clomid next time trying hcg and nolva. This summer I want to eat real strict and really rip up and train hard so I lose some fat and gain some lbm. What do you think I know i have bad genes but im trying to defeat them as best as possible.
Dont rip me up to much please, but my next cycle is followed
500mg sus 1-10
400mgeq 1-10
50 mg winny eod 8-13
Hcg 2500iu twice a week 13-15with nolv 13-18 20mg
clomid if needed
Liqudex1mg eod through post therpy
clen 2weeks on 2weeks off first month with nyc(on off) then through out and clen maybe with post depending on results.
Saw paw. Milk thistle r-ala with carb meals etc.
What do you think of this cycle by the way i look, If you think I should do this cycle different or something else, suggestions welcome.
Here is a picture of me last summer before i bulked over winter. Before I started lifting I was 180lbs and 36 waist. Its been 3 years since i started lifting dedicated before i did it on and off and ate whatever. My goal was to lose the fat and build from there. Well it worked and went down to a 30 waist and 130lb very small. Did a cycle of just deca over summer and took a picture 4weeks in at 145lb ate very clean and strict. I got my training and eating down so I decided to bulk with a real cycle since I did research as well. Well since I was so skinny I decided to eat clean meals but if i saw something i wanted to eat i ate it but I kept my protein up real high and had a little cheat each day with no cardio. Well I did a cycle with this of test and deca 500mg,450mgweek. I am 175 in the pics and they are taken in the morning 5 weeks after post therpy and I think I looked bigger at end of cycle but didnt lose to much I think its because I just did clomid next time trying hcg and nolva. This summer I want to eat real strict and really rip up and train hard so I lose some fat and gain some lbm. What do you think I know i have bad genes but im trying to defeat them as best as possible.
Dont rip me up to much please, but my next cycle is followed
500mg sus 1-10
400mgeq 1-10
50 mg winny eod 8-13
Hcg 2500iu twice a week 13-15with nolv 13-18 20mg
clomid if needed
Liqudex1mg eod through post therpy
clen 2weeks on 2weeks off first month with nyc(on off) then through out and clen maybe with post depending on results.
Saw paw. Milk thistle r-ala with carb meals etc.
What do you think of this cycle by the way i look, If you think I should do this cycle different or something else, suggestions welcome.
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