Bino....Rush wasn't calling her a prostitute cause she wants birth control to be part of obamacare. He was calling her a prostitute cause she uses birth control in the first place. Rush is a piece of dog shit who's outlasted any usefulness he may have ever had on this planet. It is one thing to critsize someone's viewpoint, but nothing she said warranted being called a prostitute and then asked to furnish a sex tape so come creepy old guy can beat off. It's high time for Rush to be put down. High time. And you know why? It's not cause of simply calling one woman a's cause people lke him on both the far left and far right cloud any policy discussion that comes up that the country should have with itself. Nothing can ever be thoroughly debated and analyzed because asslickers like Rush inject themselves in teh discussion and now it's the far righties and far lefties controlling the discusion.
If you think it's appropriate to do what Rush did you need medication Bino. And btw, if contraception goes off the list so do boner pills. Didn't know that did you? The old boys railing against contraception have no problem with their insurance covering their little boner pills. Hey, god apparently didn't want you to have a boner that night so deal with it.