HeatherRae said:^^^^
I completely agree. I have had some "nice guys" who automatically think that they are in love about a minute after meeting someone. They profess how much they care for you and kiss your ass, but none of it feels genuine. They lavish you with compliments, gifts, etc but they do so because they are in love with some fantasy of who you are instead of who you really are. It's too soon and there is an element of "quid pro quo" to the situation. The guy thinks, "Okay, so I have complimented you, been a shoulder to cry on, etc. Now you owe me. You are required to love me romantically." There is always this feeling of tension. It is very difficult to fall in love with someone when you have this huge pressure on you to fall in love.
I have never gone for "bad boys." I have always gone for the "nice guys." I'm just saying that sometimes the nice guys are not as genuinely nice as they profess to be.
Also, I dated one "nice guy" who was so sensitive that he was always crying and whimpering about where the relationship was going. It was CONSTANT! All that whimpering was so damned annoying. He needed to grow some balls and have some fun.
There is a difference between being a nice guy and being a doormat or a whimpering pansy. Also there is a difference in being a genuine nice guy and a guy trying to buy love with good deeds. I love genuinely nice guys.
And I have no idea why guys can't understand this!!!! As complicated as women can be, this is a simple concept!
I appreciate your post, as, it only confirms what I already knew.. I just have a no-bullshit approach to explaining women to other men..
