^^^^^^^There you go, everyone. Straight from a woman's mouth and mind. Simply put: act shy, submissive, and passive and a girl will have NO interest in you whatsoever. Why? Because when you put a girl on a pedestal, she sees you as being "beneath" her socially, and she loses respect for you. C'mon, lets face it. Would you have respect for someone who would go out of their way to kiss your ass?
A bad boy, on the other hand, doesn't care what she thinks about him. If she doesn't like him, he's confident enough to know that he will find someone who does. This confidence can take a man far in a woman's eyes. He challenges her opinions, doesn't kiss her ass, isn't afraid to tease her, and makes her laugh. He comes off as being interesting, while a "nice guy" comes off as boring. A "bad boy" comes off as being an alpha male, someone who takes charge. And in the animal kingdom, this is the attributes that a woman unconsiously notices in a man when deciding whether or not she wants him. Why? From a biological standpoint, it means that the offspring will have these same attributes and have a better chance of survival. Don't think for a second that humans haven't lost this instinct within them.
Plus, the typical "nice guy" will lavish a woman with flowers, dinner, compliments, and all this other stuff that basically comes down to being defined as "courtship rituals". When he does this, who is really in control? Him? Definitely not! By doing all this stuff, he is saying, "I like you. Pick me to be with you!". So who is in control? She is. It is HER decision whether or not she wants to pursue the relationship. He just has to wait it out, while he continuously trying to win her over. But from the beginning, she is in control and she KNOWS IT.
But you get a "bad boy" out there and his attitude comes off as saying, "I set my own standards. Maybe I want you, maybe I don't. Let me see if you are up to my standards before I choose you. If you have no interest in me, fine. I will just move on to the next woman who I think may be up to my standards." Now HE is in control of who he chooses. For some women, they just automatically have to prove to themselves that they are up to his standards, so they show interest. This interest will NEVER be shown to a "nice guy" type of man, because he doesn't create it in the woman. On top of that, the woman finds the guy fun to be around because of his confidence. She feels great around him. And to a woman, a man who can create these feelings in her are as attractive to them as physical beauty is to us men. Then on top of that, even, something in a woman kicks in about how she wants to change him, to "tame" him. Add all this together, and you can see why a woman prefers a "bad boy" to a "nice guy".