The real girl
This picture is me , G-spot's girlfriend.
I can not believe someone would have such low self esteem of themselves to use someone else's picture. I appreciate all the compliments from everyone, it really made me feel good. As far as the gentlemen that stated I could use some implants you will be happy to know mission accomplished! As far as the response that this fake person stated about ( I AM SO F#@*ING PISSED ) drug usage and that she tried everything I will tell you all now if I look so feminine how could I have possibly used Prop and Deca? It is called training for over 17 years, eating a very clean diet, training consistently, and cardio every morning on an empty stomach. Can this Michaela say that about herself? Probably not since she has no self esteem. Another thing I have never had any kids yet and I am not married, I have never been to London. Also let me add ,this picture was taken by a photographer that works for a women's magazine. Again thank you for all the very nice compliments!!!!