Re: *new bookie 200% k hits!!!! Thread!!! Due to slowness of other thread!!* post up!
Me-Look here punk! You keep fucking with me and you will not be here. I am 6' and I am taking 750 test e and 600 eq not that you would understand that. I only started that cycle 6 weeks ago. That pic is about 4 months ago after a long cut. I had a hernia surgery and was out for a year and worked my ass off naturally to get to what you see there. I am now bulking and will be on NPC stage by next year in the masters division. I look a whole helluva alot different than I do there. You are the one who wants to run your mouth. If I post a current pic which is what I was intending to do you would see a great difference between that one on my profile. I really wanted to reach some common ground with you but all you want to do is insult me. You will not win messing with me as I am a very respected memeber of this site. 30 people gave me karma when I said that to you because no one wants to hear your shit. Anytime you want to see what I look like now just let me know. I will embarrass you. As a matter of fact in your first thread I was intending on sending you a million green so that you would not be red anymore but then you come out and call me little. Your choice, we can agree to disagree and move on or I can forward your stupid attempt at sending me a nasty pm and I can have you perma banned in two seconds. So what is it going to be?
Me-Look here punk! You keep fucking with me and you will not be here. I am 6' and I am taking 750 test e and 600 eq not that you would understand that. I only started that cycle 6 weeks ago. That pic is about 4 months ago after a long cut. I had a hernia surgery and was out for a year and worked my ass off naturally to get to what you see there. I am now bulking and will be on NPC stage by next year in the masters division. I look a whole helluva alot different than I do there. You are the one who wants to run your mouth. If I post a current pic which is what I was intending to do you would see a great difference between that one on my profile. I really wanted to reach some common ground with you but all you want to do is insult me. You will not win messing with me as I am a very respected memeber of this site. 30 people gave me karma when I said that to you because no one wants to hear your shit. Anytime you want to see what I look like now just let me know. I will embarrass you. As a matter of fact in your first thread I was intending on sending you a million green so that you would not be red anymore but then you come out and call me little. Your choice, we can agree to disagree and move on or I can forward your stupid attempt at sending me a nasty pm and I can have you perma banned in two seconds. So what is it going to be?