YIKES! You're stacking more shit than the lounge lizard at the lonely hearts club bar! <-----What the hell does that even mean?! I don't know, it's 4:48am and I'm tired! Ok, senseless babble, and horrible jokes aside, why the need for all that stuff? Test the waters first, no need to jump right in. It also seems like you've done little, to no research on this stuff. Your goals might be within your reach, without anabolics. How long have you been training? Age? Give out ALL the info, and reasons why you feel you need all of that stuff, and your goals. Glad you came here, the ladies on this board will be able to help you really good.
Oh, and I know, no matter what anyone tells you, you probably still will do a cycle. Sadly, even when people ask for advice, or help, it usually goes in one ear, out the other. So, with that in mind, I really do urge you to try one thing, and not 5 different ones. ESPECIALLY if this is your first time out. Be safe, and good luck...