@aberz good you shared a log, for the readers this is the original winstrol issue he had
Hi everyone. So I’m stacking Winstrol with test cyp and I just started Winstrol on Saturday and am supposed to take it 3 times a week for 3 weeks straight (75mg per week) but Winstrol is making me super sick. I’ve only done it 2 times and I’ve had flu like symptoms since. Fever, sweats and...
@aberz I don't think you need to ramp up and down, the pyramid theory is broscience and will waste your time.
Easiest is to take 3 shots of testosterone cypionate/week whole cycle and make the cycle 12 weeks, that's 375mgs testosterone cypionate/week and winstrol NO SHOTS, just
drink the winstrol
also please post a FACE blurred PICTURE for us to see