this idea just hit me so wow im glad to know everyone's positive about it.
i know you train dc style and thats cool, im just not into, yet...... i have been reading though, but i definately agree with you about people having big arms doing no bicep work. check out powerlifters, a lot of them dont train bicep at all and are still jacked in that area.
Lord Suston:
i agree with you about there not being a good maxim contraction without pulling your biceps in front, but i hate that exercise, plus it never works for me. think of the movement being the exact same movement as incline close grip bench press, just with the weight pulling away. you see when i do close grip, its my first exericse for tri's...... i dont get a good "pump" i go heavy, i go few reps and i try to overload them with good weight with good range of motion, so thats what im doing with the pulldowns. the point is to tax the heavy fibers that my biceps can handle. stimulating the most fibers as possible with one exercise.
R crusher:
when it is time for me to switch up exercises, thats what i will switch too, but pulldowns, not pullups.
thats dang impressive, anyway you could videotape and get it posted or just mailed to me, i have got to see that.
sorry dude, i didnt mean to rip off your idea's......... but hey you know the old saying, "great minds think a like"........ yeah that was chessy but oh well. i go full rom, but i dont stretch out the scapula like in pullups, just let the elbows bend and straighten.
deepsquater & collegiatelifter:
great, thats two of the best peaks i can name off the top of my head, maybe there is hope for guys like me who never thought they wouldnt have one.
i will keep updating everyone on my progress.
thanks again guys.