I lost weight in two stages: 245ish to 225ish, then 225ish to 200ish. I never followed a structured program, like diet one way for 12 weeks. I just changed how I ate, started doing cardio and curbing my vices as much as I could.
I have used ephedrine in the past, but it didn't play a role in my weight loss. I actually find it easier to diet without stimulants. I think ephedrine is better for a workout booster. Feeling cracked out just fucks with me too much.
Anyways, I have a journal on the Weight Training board, so you can check that out.
I mainly follow a routine like this:
1: chest/biceps
2: legs
3: delts/triceps
4: back/calves
I follow the low-volume, high intensity protocol mostly. Reps 3-10 depending on what I am doing, mostly 6-8.
For cardio, I got a treadmill for Christmas, so I started doing it in the AM after I woke-up. When I got all the way down to 198 I was doing 45 minutes in the AM (4 mph, with an incline anywhere from 1-9%) and 45 after I worked out.
Currently, I was trying to bulk, but just do it because I get sick thinking I could gain any fat back, so I am just eating cleanly and just working out with weights.