HCGENERATE got me back in business like Dirk Diggler !!!
@GMAN007 there are a few supplements in this industry that work and HCGenerate really does work for steroid users its like MAGIC no jokeHCGENERATE worked !

short but its good @GMAN007Back
Close grip cable row
warm up
100 x 15
130 x 15
175 x 10
205 x 8
250 x 12 - up 2
265 x 9 - up 2
280 x 7 - up 1
295 x 6 - this is the whole stack
Close grip Lat Pull down
115 x 15
145 x 12
160 x 10
175 x 8
Mag grip wide grip lat pull down
115 x 12
130 x 10
145 x 7
New arsenal row machine
90 x 15
140 x 12
180 x 8
Kept it short and sweet. I believe I have been over training a bit. I may skip my shoulder workout this week they might be getting over worked and could be hindering my bench press development to a degree. What does everyone think ?? I love the overhead DB press but I have been really hitting them hard for weeks now
on the overheads and chest, i really dont suggest military presses or overheads thats how most injuries happen
can you do dips for chest?
and for labs more pull ups?