Ill start by saying I'm very open to critiques and suggestions...
Start with my cycle
1-8 anavar 50-100 Ed (will start low and go up)
1-12 test c 250mg
1-12 primo 500-700mg (will go up 100mg every 4 weeks)
For pct I'm thinking about the following..
1-4 clomid 25mg Ed
1-4 daa
1-4 post cycle /unleashed
1-4 osta 25mg
(On hand I also have 2bottle of test infusion , forged mythel eaa, albuterol (only one bottle from ag-guys so not much at all) , bridge ,and some cells cycle assist ... How does that pct look? Should I add or take away anything?)
Support sups
1-8 n2guard
1-13 gear at 8caps per day (4 pre 4 post )
8-11 hcgenerate 5caps a day
12-14 hcg 1000 iu per week
Whole time n2slin
Diet: thinking of something like this, trying to get very cut and loose fat so I'm only gonna carb up 2x a day in the Am and pw and possible add a cup of rice pre. Will be doing cardio 4-5x a week.
Meal 1) 2whole eggs, 5eggwhites , 1cup strawberries , 2 packets of oats (40g carbs) , 1tblespoon flax , 3cap n2slin
Meal2) 8oz ground turkey , 1/4cup almonds ,1cup spiniache or broccoli
Meal3) 8oz steak 1cup broccoli
Meal 4) 2 scoops of trutien (pw) w/banana
Meal 5) 8oz ground turkey 1cup white rice and either broccoli and some flax oil +3caps n2slin
Meal 6) 10eggwhites , spiniache and peppers (contemplating some more almonds , or an avacado)
Right before bed (Casine pro or plain chobani)
If I get extra Hungry one day I will take away the small chobani at night and add a bigger plain chobani (one pound ,260cals and 46g pro ), with this I will add all natural protien granola
So what can I do to make this better
In terms of sarms I only feel comfortable running osta. I'm skeptical about get and broke out horribly from s4
Start with my cycle
1-8 anavar 50-100 Ed (will start low and go up)
1-12 test c 250mg
1-12 primo 500-700mg (will go up 100mg every 4 weeks)
For pct I'm thinking about the following..
1-4 clomid 25mg Ed
1-4 daa
1-4 post cycle /unleashed
1-4 osta 25mg
(On hand I also have 2bottle of test infusion , forged mythel eaa, albuterol (only one bottle from ag-guys so not much at all) , bridge ,and some cells cycle assist ... How does that pct look? Should I add or take away anything?)
Support sups
1-8 n2guard
1-13 gear at 8caps per day (4 pre 4 post )
8-11 hcgenerate 5caps a day
12-14 hcg 1000 iu per week
Whole time n2slin
Diet: thinking of something like this, trying to get very cut and loose fat so I'm only gonna carb up 2x a day in the Am and pw and possible add a cup of rice pre. Will be doing cardio 4-5x a week.
Meal 1) 2whole eggs, 5eggwhites , 1cup strawberries , 2 packets of oats (40g carbs) , 1tblespoon flax , 3cap n2slin
Meal2) 8oz ground turkey , 1/4cup almonds ,1cup spiniache or broccoli
Meal3) 8oz steak 1cup broccoli
Meal 4) 2 scoops of trutien (pw) w/banana
Meal 5) 8oz ground turkey 1cup white rice and either broccoli and some flax oil +3caps n2slin
Meal 6) 10eggwhites , spiniache and peppers (contemplating some more almonds , or an avacado)
Right before bed (Casine pro or plain chobani)
If I get extra Hungry one day I will take away the small chobani at night and add a bigger plain chobani (one pound ,260cals and 46g pro ), with this I will add all natural protien granola
So what can I do to make this better
In terms of sarms I only feel comfortable running osta. I'm skeptical about get and broke out horribly from s4