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Approved Log My Deca Durabolin Testosterone Cypionate Masteron Cycle Log

I don't understand why you would continue using steroids
those numbers are stroke numbers
Idk 🤷 I don’t wanna hop off but what if I go to the doc and get a low grade blood pressure prescription just while on cycle I was reading to that bad hydration will cause high numbers so ima shoot for more water a day definitely have pinning anxiety lol I’m only on 300 deca and 400 test i don’t like that Anavar either ima leave it alone! It’s def scary shit would happen to me I think all the energy drinks are not helping it either so ima change a few things! Fingers crossed 🤞
I think it was my estrogen I took a letrozol my blood pressure came down from 160 over 95 to 136 over 84 lol 😂 lesson learned scary lesson tho getting bloodwork done today anyone else estrogen do that to em?
Do y’all think maybe it’s all the compounds at once that caused th hbp it I could maybe break it up into 200 mgs of test and 200 mgs of deca twice a week vs now like 700 mgs total all at once that’s a lot of juice just don’t like needles lol 😂
Idk 🤷 I don’t wanna hop off but what if I go to the doc and get a low grade blood pressure prescription just while on cycle I was reading to that bad hydration will cause high numbers so ima shoot for more water a day definitely have pinning anxiety lol I’m only on 300 deca and 400 test i don’t like that Anavar either ima leave it alone! It’s def scary shit would happen to me I think all the energy drinks are not helping it either so ima change a few things! Fingers crossed 🤞
@RiverRat1220 if you have bp you have other issues again still no updates bro

I think it was my estrogen I took a letrozol my blood pressure came down from 160 over 95 to 136 over 84 lol 😂 lesson learned scary lesson tho getting bloodwork done today anyone else estrogen do that to em?
you took letrozole? its dangerous to take letrozole it will mess up your E2 for a long time, hinders the aromatase
why arent you using aromasin?

Do y’all think maybe it’s all the compounds at once that caused th hbp it I could maybe break it up into 200 mgs of test and 200 mgs of deca twice a week vs now like 700 mgs total all at once that’s a lot of juice just don’t like needles lol 😂
we think you need to update your log like we asked you
training diet history and more lifestyle
before you get hurt bro no joke
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