Sorry it took me so long to get here...
First of all you are stunning!
From what I saw I think your conditioning is very good - not too muscular or hard and you looked symmetrical in that your upper body didn't overpower your lower in muscularity or lean-ness. I don't know what the judges are looking for in figure as far as muscularity/lean-ness so I don't really know how to comment about what direction you should take as far as future shows.
Since there is no such thing as spot reduction if you were to lean out (for a leaner bottom) then your upper body would also be leaner giving you more of a body-builder look. Is that desirable based on how you've seen other women place?
As for putting on more muscle to be ranked higher, is that what the judges are looking for?
As I said, I don't compete anymore nor do I follow competition. That is why I am asking these questions.
As far as "dialing in" for the show. No matter how many competitors you talk to the general consensus seems to be they take a slightly different path for each competition until they "get where they want to be".... and guess what? LOL Everything is always different on every stinkin stage!
As for you ranking, I understand wanting to be 1st (I myself only got two 2nds and a 3rd LOL always the bridesmaid, as it were) but 4th out of 14 is NOTHING TO SNEEZE AT!!! Matter of fact, that is pretty freaking AWESOME!!!
Congratulations ma'am. You have a lot to be proud of!