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My 6th cycle


New member
Here we are, and I am going to start my sixth cyclesoon. Would be great to see what you think about it, what I can addto it!

Weeks 1-6 - 80 mgs Dbol
Weeks 1-12 - 800 mgs test cyp, 600 mgs Deca, and 400mgs tren enan, 0.50 mgs anastrosole ED
Weeks 12-22 - 1400 mgs test cyp, 600 mgs Deca, and500 mgs tren. Arimidex will be the same

Want to get as big as possible, that's why I will useso much gear. Does this seem right? Maybe I should just add one morecompound and reduce the dosages? I am 29, 190 cm, weigh. 105kg. BF -11%.
Looks great as long as you don't feel like shit on that much gear. Lethargy and stress on your body from those doses are going to kill your gains.
dude what do you want to add to for? that is a shitload of gear and a long ass cycle.

you are doing 22 weeks long esters. that means you will be on a total of 28 weeks or so.. that is like more than half the year. you will NEVER be able to recover from all that man. are you on TRT?

this isn't 'cycling' as you put it. this is just going on a lot of steroids for a long fucking time. i don't think your heart is going to like this abuse
22 week cycles are a really bad idea in my opinion. I have found that recovery issues really start to become an issue once you push a cycle past 16 weeks.

I would skip the first 6 weeks where you just run dbol and do a 16 week cycle.

Something like this -
Weeks 1-16 - 800 mgs test cyp, 600 mgs Deca, and 400mgs tren enan, 0.50 mgs anastrosole ED
+ an anti-prolactin drug like cabergoline + cardarine
Not to mention you are running 2 19nor compounds and a shit load of test. Hope you know how your body responds to all that because if you don't you might have a hard time dialing in estro.
That is a lot of gear man. Any chance you are going to log this? I would love to hear how it goes and see some before and after pictures.
Thank you guys for the input - I really appreciate it and pay attention to it. I have prami for prolactin - will it do?
Thank you guys for the input - I really appreciate it and pay attention to it. I have prami for prolactin - will it do?

Pramipexole will do for prolactin control, but if you will have the chance to get cabergoline, it would be best, since it will do exactly the same for prolactin control, but with none of the side effects that you can get with prami.
Prami and cabergoline are both anti-prolactin drugs. The same dosages should be used. 0.25mg EOD

The only reason I recommend cabergoline over prami is a lot of people experience GI issues when using prami.
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