I have a bunch of questions about muscle fibers and will probably have more if someone helps me out with this first batch. If one of you has time to answer these or point me to a reliable resource then I'd really appreciate it...
As far as I know (and correct me if I'm wrong, please), there are fast and slow twitch muscle fibers, everybody's body has a different amount of both, and fast twitch can't turn into slow twitch or anything like that. Ok, so questions..
What kind of effort targets fast twitch?
What's the difference, in the fast twitch muscles, between power (60% of 1rm for speed type stuff), strength, and just absolute speed (maybe 10% of your 1rm as fast as you can go)? Like how do they react and stuff to each kind of exercise...?
What kinds of efforts target slow twitch?
How will 15 reps to failure and 200 reps to failure differ?
I think there was some kind of deal with slow twitch muscles in your legs and running for ~20 minutes (I'm sure it would be the same in your upper body, too)...what is it?
Thanks a lot!
As far as I know (and correct me if I'm wrong, please), there are fast and slow twitch muscle fibers, everybody's body has a different amount of both, and fast twitch can't turn into slow twitch or anything like that. Ok, so questions..
What kind of effort targets fast twitch?
What's the difference, in the fast twitch muscles, between power (60% of 1rm for speed type stuff), strength, and just absolute speed (maybe 10% of your 1rm as fast as you can go)? Like how do they react and stuff to each kind of exercise...?
What kinds of efforts target slow twitch?
How will 15 reps to failure and 200 reps to failure differ?
I think there was some kind of deal with slow twitch muscles in your legs and running for ~20 minutes (I'm sure it would be the same in your upper body, too)...what is it?
Thanks a lot!