J Nicholas
I moved to a real redneck town from the city to expand my horizons. What a huge mistake that turned out to be. Anyway, we just got a brand new gym much closer to home and I'm just stunned at how all the necks seem to be clones of one another. They're all obsessed with looking at themselves in the mirrors. Hey dickfuck, you wanna know what you look like? You look exactly the same way you looked less than 5 seconds ago, which was the last time you checked. It seems like they cant be pulled away from staring at themselves long enough to do a set of anything. Fatasses. Imaginary lat syndrome....you think you've seen it? You haven't seen shit. It also seems that everyone just trains chest.......over.....and over.......and over. Douche bags. It's just like high school, only without any hot chicks to have sex with. I try to look on the bright side.....SQUAT RACK IS ALWAYS OPEN!! I know for a fact that I'm the only guy who trains legs. I must be some kind of mad scientist. It's a very fearful community. As the only serious lifter, I am stared at as if I were eating babies. I'll bet that if I told somebody here that I actually was eating babies, they'd be, like "I knew it!". 100% dipshits. Thank god for earbuds. Anyone wanna buy a house?