WEEK 2, DAY 6- Friday, September 21, 2001
Until around 4-5 PM prior to carb-up, also ate 2 apples around 2 hours prior to my depletion workout, then afterwards started carbing.
Total Calories: 1000
Total (g) Protein: 36g
Total (g) Carbs: 7g
Total (g) Fat: 86g
8.5 hours of sleep last night! Need to keep it up.
Good multi-vitamin 2x today, 3g vitamin C, MD6 Stack 2x today, morning and pre-workout, 2 scoops of Cell-Tech, 5g arginine, 50 mg. vanadyl sulfate, 10g of glutamine, 800 mg. of chromium, 300 mg. ALA.
Training. Depletion Workout.
flat-dumbbell presses 60x20; 60x15; 60x15; 60x15
bentover barbell rows (Yates style) 115x15; 115x15; 115x15; 115x15
seated arnold presses 20x15; 20x15; 20x15; 20x15
dumbbell shrugs 60x15; 60x15; 60x15; 60x15
standing ez-bar curls 60x15; 60x15; 60x15; 60x15
lying ez-bar ext. 60x15; 60x15; 60x15; 60x15
one-dumbbell calf raises 40x15; 40x15; 40x15; 40x15
wrist roller 25x4; 25x4; 25x4; 25x4
Training Comments.
VERY TOUGH!! Due to my fucking low carbs and shit I didnt have any energy at all during this workout. It started off tough as fucking hell and ended dead. I was so fucking tired and exausted I was just dead. I couldnt even do anything I was just completely dead. Definitely exaustive. After 4 times through the circuit I was just so fucking beat I couldnt do anymore. I tried to go again but my chest was just beat after the 8th or 9th rep. Didnt really go to failure on anything I dont think.

Training Length.
Workout lasted around 35 minutes. Definitely brief but definitely EXAUSTING.
Took in a pretty good amount all day long today. Need to keep it up.