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Approved Log Mombods on-going log


Bodyweight - 146.2

3.5 weeks out

**upon rising:
1iu GH + 5mg yohimbine hcl + 40mcg clenbuterol + 37.5mcg cytomel.

Meal #1 - 6oz 98% lean ground turkey, turkey cutlets, shrimp, or chicken breast. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4tsp pink sea salt. 5,000iu Vit D. 2600mg evening primrose oil. 300mg relora.

Meal #2 - 6oz 98% lean ground turkey, turkey cutlets, shrimp, or chicken breast. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4 tsp pink sea salt. 20mcg clenbuterol.

Meal 3 - 6oz lean ground turkey, turkey cutlets, shrimp, or chicken breast. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4tsp pink sea salt.

Meal 4 - (preworkout) 50g whey isolate. 55g dry measured cream of rice. 1/4 tsp sea salt.
**on non weight training days, change to 350g egg whites or 6oz 98% lean ground turkey. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4 tsp sea salt.

Preworkout shake (30 mins prior to training) - 1 serving preworkout powder of your choice + 5g EAA (HumaPro) + 5g Leucine + 5g creatine monohydrate + 2g Acetyl L-Carnitine. 1iu GH.

Intraworkout shake (drink throughout weight training): 15g dextrin or similar carb powder + 10g EAA + 5g leucine.

Meal #5 - 6oz lean ground turkey, turkey cutlets, shrimp, or chicken breast, OR 35g whey isolate. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4tsp pink sea salt.

Meal #6 - 6oz lean ground turkey, turkey cutlets, shrimp, or chicken breast. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4tsp pink sea salt. 3g Omega-3 Krill oil. 2g Vitamin C. 1 serving ashawaghanda. 300mg relora. 2iu GH.


1 serving Oikos triple zero yogurt + 20g whey isolate. 1/4tsp pink sea salt. 3g Omega-3 Krill oil. 2g Vitamin C. 1 serving ashawaghanda. 300mg relora. 2iu GH.

Add the following any time of day: 1 TBSP Bragg’s apple cider vinegar (with the “Mother”)+ ½ squeezed lemon + 1 serving multivitamin you’re currently taking + 2g Acetyl L-Carnitine.

• Water - 2-2.5 gallons daily.

*on fasted cardio days, consume your meals in the following order:

*All meals should be spaced out every 2.5-3 hours unless otherwise instructed.

In the evening as a separate workout, or fasted if you're training later in the day.
5 rounds hiit + 40 mins moderate intensity steady state. Days 2,3,5,6 unless otherwise instructed.

Training Split:

D1 - Legs (Quad focus)
*BB squat, narrow stance leg press, narrow stance hack squat

D2 - Back + rear and medial delts + biceps (lat focus)

D3 - Upper body push (chest, anterior delts, triceps)
*Incline BB/DB chest press, BB/DB shoulder press, Close grip bench press

D4 - Cardio
**75 mins treadmill. 5-7 incline. 3.0-3.5mph.

D5 - Legs (Glute/ham focus)
*Sumo stance squat, sumo stance leg press, sumo deadlift

D6 - Back + rear and medial delts + biceps (lower trap/rhomboid focus)

D7 - Cardio
**75 mins treadmill. 5-7 incline. 3.0-3.5mph.

*abdominals - any 3 days each week for 15 mins / session.


Bodyweight - 146.2

3.5 weeks out

**upon rising:
1iu GH + 5mg yohimbine hcl + 40mcg clenbuterol + 37.5mcg cytomel.

Meal #1 - 6oz 98% lean ground turkey, turkey cutlets, shrimp, or chicken breast. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4tsp pink sea salt. 5,000iu Vit D. 2600mg evening primrose oil. 300mg relora.

Meal #2 - 6oz 98% lean ground turkey, turkey cutlets, shrimp, or chicken breast. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4 tsp pink sea salt. 20mcg clenbuterol.

Meal 3 - 6oz lean ground turkey, turkey cutlets, shrimp, or chicken breast. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4tsp pink sea salt.

Meal 4 - (preworkout) 50g whey isolate. 55g dry measured cream of rice. 1/4 tsp sea salt.
**on non weight training days, change to 350g egg whites or 6oz 98% lean ground turkey. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4 tsp sea salt.

Preworkout shake (30 mins prior to training) - 1 serving preworkout powder of your choice + 5g EAA (HumaPro) + 5g Leucine + 5g creatine monohydrate + 2g Acetyl L-Carnitine. 1iu GH.

Intraworkout shake (drink throughout weight training): 15g dextrin or similar carb powder + 10g EAA + 5g leucine.

Meal #5 - 6oz lean ground turkey, turkey cutlets, shrimp, or chicken breast, OR 35g whey isolate. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4tsp pink sea salt.

Meal #6 - 6oz lean ground turkey, turkey cutlets, shrimp, or chicken breast. Any amount of low carb veggies. 1/4tsp pink sea salt. 3g Omega-3 Krill oil. 2g Vitamin C. 1 serving ashawaghanda. 300mg relora. 2iu GH.


1 serving Oikos triple zero yogurt + 20g whey isolate. 1/4tsp pink sea salt. 3g Omega-3 Krill oil. 2g Vitamin C. 1 serving ashawaghanda. 300mg relora. 2iu GH.

Add the following any time of day: 1 TBSP Bragg’s apple cider vinegar (with the “Mother”)+ ½ squeezed lemon + 1 serving multivitamin you’re currently taking + 2g Acetyl L-Carnitine.

• Water - 2-2.5 gallons daily.

*on fasted cardio days, consume your meals in the following order:

*All meals should be spaced out every 2.5-3 hours unless otherwise instructed.

In the evening as a separate workout, or fasted if you're training later in the day.
5 rounds hiit + 40 mins moderate intensity steady state. Days 2,3,5,6 unless otherwise instructed.

Training Split:

D1 - Legs (Quad focus)
*BB squat, narrow stance leg press, narrow stance hack squat

D2 - Back + rear and medial delts + biceps (lat focus)

D3 - Upper body push (chest, anterior delts, triceps)
*Incline BB/DB chest press, BB/DB shoulder press, Close grip bench press

D4 - Cardio
**75 mins treadmill. 5-7 incline. 3.0-3.5mph.

D5 - Legs (Glute/ham focus)
*Sumo stance squat, sumo stance leg press, sumo deadlift

D6 - Back + rear and medial delts + biceps (lower trap/rhomboid focus)

D7 - Cardio
**75 mins treadmill. 5-7 incline. 3.0-3.5mph.

*abdominals - any 3 days each week for 15 mins / session.

•INTENSITY IS KEY!View attachment 145073View attachment 145074View attachment 145075View attachment 145076
@dadbod82 she is amazing i see the abs and lines, perfection :)
would love to see her PRO
love it for sure congratulations look at all those Awards
she has definitely earned everything she's gotten
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