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Modern Drummer's HALL of FAME!

Oh man you've gone beyond reason with this.This topic can be dragged out endlesslly, and I know you see this.First off let's start with the fact that you were the aggressor,in calling me stupid for having my own opinion.And school is great thanx for asking,I'm acing my class.

God I don't even know where to begin with your response.You have more than shown me that you can not see talent,creativity,uniqueness,not to mention ungodlly stamina,within drummers anywhere.

everyone of your comment deserve a response,but this one takes the cake.

You don't care or you don't know? You don't know. I UNDERSTAND if you're not into jazz and that way also not into jazz players. That I do understand. I also understand that you don't know anything about music, playing, music theory, notes, etc. And that explains a lot.

Within your 22 years of GUITAR playing,not drums,you do recognize that within my 13 years of trained drumming I would have learned everything and more that you have on this list.I was not trained in deathmetal,nor did I know of it's existance until many years later.I was trained is the arts of percussion a.k.a drums for the shallow minded such as yourself.Every day of every year of my 13 years was a learning experience,gathering as much information about my instrument as possible.I have performed many jazz shows,marching band shows,orchestra concerts,and each were a walk in the park.So easy in fact that I could just step in without knowing the piece performed.Now once my training ended,and all was in my hands,I was still hungry for challenge.I was set loose to use my aquired talents for however I chose.I had so many ways I could have gone,enough knowledge to pursue any style,any realm of the music world.In the years to follow,I listened to many styles,and various jazz musicians(weckle,chambers,donati).But the only thing that caught,and kept my attention was the intriquet,ever changing,twisting,gut wrenching,elaborate style of deathmetal drummers.The first cd I heard blew me straight out of the water.The drummer sean rheinert was very jazzy in style,yet unrelenting in his aggressive bomb- baredment of sounds.He was very much in time,every note accounted for,so don't for a second think that we don't know timing.This music was so precise,that it made the hair on my arms stand straight on end,I never had heard anything so spectacular on drums ever.So my point with this is(if you could'nt catch it),that I was well roundedlly trained for any style I chose.And if I were looking for the biggest challenge of my life,I would soon choose the path I now walk.

I do understand that if you were listening to the wrong drummers,you would have a bad taste in your mouth.Same with saying I don't recognize your favorite drummers.Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch for you,believe me as a drummer with knowledge on the subject,deathmetal drummer are some of the best this planet has to offer.

quote: I can name few Scandinavian deathmetal drummers to you: Harri Karmala, Stefan Andersson and Seppo "Hepo" Ikola. They are better drummers than those deathmetal drummers you named (or that's what the stupid deathmetal fans here say).

Perkele how can you possiblly say these guys are better than the ones I mention when in fact YOU'VE NEVER HEARD of the drummers I mentioned???

qoute:Btw, who set the standards on double bass drumming? Answer: Jazz legend Louis Bellson. He was the first drummer to succesfully utilize double bass drums. Toto's Simon Phillips is concidered to be the master of double bass drumming.

you are absolutelly right about loius belson,congradulations!He was the pioneer of double bass, and I look up to him in more ways than one.But if you wanted to talk about pioneers,you should have started a "pioneers of music " thread.
And about simon phillips, where the hell did you get this malarky from,did you make this up?If you actually read MD,you would know that they hold yearly drum compititions to find the latest,and best at double bass,hand technique,and overall drumming abilities.Simon phillips is no longer in the running.
Jazz drummers and singers go hand in hand just like deathmetal metal drummers and singers!

Because you're a drummer I wanna know what you say about this:


Can you play it? Is it challenging? Is it deathmetal or is it blues? Where's the most challenging part and why it's the most challenging part?
perkele said:
Jazz drummers and singers go hand in hand just like deathmetal metal drummers and singers!

Because you're a drummer I wanna know what you say about this:


Can you play it? Is it challenging? Is it deathmetal or is it blues? Where's the most challenging part and why it's the most challenging part?

dude,why has this become a wits game between us,the question is about jazz vs. deathmetal drummers.

Can i play it?
YES without a doubt!!


Challeneging in the fact I have'nt had to read music of someone else's since highschool.But after 30 seconds or so,very comprehendible.

deathmetal or jazz?

without a doubt jazz,it consist's mostlly of lame paradidlle rudements on the feet that most deathmetal drummers,know,mastered,and have no reason to play them because it's the same shit if played r.l.r.l.r.l.r.l ect.....Different in the fact,thats it's more of a mind game,but sounds the same no less.

Most challenging part?

me trying to understand why you think this is challenging in the slightest,it's not,don't kid yourself.I was playing more difficult pieces in middle school.
Well now you're officially named the number one idiot on this board. "I was playing more difficult pieces in middle school." It seems that the only name who was missing from that MD's top 25 was you. LOL! How does it feel to lie just to keep up with me? Of course It's so damn easy when you're anonymous person. If you really think that I'm so stupid or someone else is that stupid on this board that they would believe this shit:"I was playing more difficult pieces in middle school." cause then they would believe me when I say that I was only 3 years old when I easily played all that Paco De Lucia stuff. I think you could do it also if you just would keep on pretending and lying. In your dreams you're awesome player, no matter what's the instrument. Now we all know that. Be a fake if that makes your day better. You say you've been playing drums for 13 years now. I don't exactly know the school system in US but I would guess you were just starting you're drumming career when you were in middle school. Am I even close? You were born in 1978? Anyway, you were already then playing better than the hall of fame drummers. That's pretty good. Do you really think even your metal buddy Charvelle will believe you? I doubt it.

Let's now hear what the Modern Drummer magazine has to say about that "easy" track:

We knew we had to pick a special solo to include in our 25th-Anniversary issue. In fact, we went digging way back to the early days of MD for this one, back to our July 1978 issue. "Aja," the title track from the classic Steely Dan record, features an AMAZING performance by the great Steve Gadd. Of course, legend has it that Gadd laid down this EXTREMELY DIFFICULT track in ONE take. That's almost UNBELIEVABLE. But when it comes to Steve Gadd, anything is possible. Pick up the disc (or dust off your old vinyl copy) and follow along as the master drummer displays some of his trademark licks in a musical - and exciting - way. The solo occurs near the end of the tune, at the 6:56 mark. It's a drum treat.

More... Here is a snippet from modern drummer '92:

"Aja is the most popular of all the Steely Dan recordings. Four of its seven tracks were radio hits with a broad spectrum of appeal. Musicians had a field day with the title track, which had powerful solos from Wayne Shorter and Steve Gadd. Gadd, it seems, was the ultimate foil for the Dan's demanding assault on a musician's psyche. For 'Aja' he sightread the entire seven-minute chart perfectly, solo and all, by the first take. An article at the time quoted Fagan as saying, "I was stunned. No one had ever done anything like that before. I couldn't believe it."

So you were about 12-13 years old when this would have been easy for you? Do you wanna change your story? Maybe you wanna leave this board and never come back again? Or will you keep on lying and pretending to be better than you are and pretending to know about more than you do? Btw, Gadd started to play drums when he was 3 years old and he was already playing with fucking Dizzy Gillespie when he was only 11 years old. You're 23-24, what have you accomplished as a drummer?

Now I only have 5 more question to you and that's it. I hope you will give your honest answer. Simple YES or NO will do just fine.

1.Do you think you know more about drumming than the MD's guy who wrote that story above?

2.Do you think you know more about drumming and drummers than all or most of those who voted in MD's poll?

3.Do you think you are more or less intelligent than the average metal fan?

4.Do you think it's a good thing to metal and metal fans if you're more intelligent than the average metal fans? George W. Bush of metal.

5.Do you think that lying will you take you far in this world?
Just one question.......why the hell isn't Nick Mason listed anywhere. Of course the "best" is subjective but still, he is one hell of a talented drummer.
OK first of all YES, that piece is the easiest PIECE of SHIT,I've come across in a long while.I WAS playing more difficult pieces in middle school,any drummer in middle school will agree that it's a simple piece.If you don't take my word for it,give this crap to a drummer in middle school that has a few years under his belt,and you'll be laughed at Literally!I started when in 4th grade,so by the time I hit middle school,I had two years EXTENSIVE TRAINING on all percussion instruments,including drumset.So sit down you stupid fuck ,your not in thre limelight like you think you are.Uneducated motherfucker!Who the fuck are you to tell me if I'm good or not,fact of the matter is I'am good,nay great!But you being as closed off as you are,theres no coming back for you.You're a half-wit,with a severe case of ignorance,and you will not open your eyes for anyone.

quote:You say you've been playing drums for 13 years now. I don't exactly know the school system in US but I would guess you were just starting you're drumming career when you were in middle school. Am I even close? You were born in 1978? Anyway, you were already then playing better than the hall of fame drummers. That's pretty good. Do you really think even your metal buddy Charvelle will believe you? I doubt it.

just because it took you longer to learn your instument does not mean that it took so long for me,I had a hunger for it,and played every day.And about charvelle ,yes I know he would agree because he unlike you,realizes what can be achieved in a short amount of time,if you are as dedicated as I.And two years form 4th grade to middle school,is not a short time.You just need to get over the fact that a youngster was,and is able to play what you consider hall of fame material(and what a fucking joke that is).

qoute:"Aja is the most popular of all the Steely Dan recordings. Four of its seven tracks were radio hits with a broad spectrum of appeal. Musicians had a field day with the title track, which had powerful solos from Wayne Shorter and Steve Gadd. Gadd, it seems, was the ultimate foil for the Dan's demanding assault on a musician's psyche. For 'Aja' he sightread the entire seven-minute chart perfectly, solo and all, by the first take. An article at the time quoted Fagan as saying, "I was stunned. No one had ever done anything like that before. I couldn't believe it."

BIG FUCKING SHIT MAN!!!!!Anyone who has any teaching,instruction,or even time on an instrument would be able to sight read.God your a fucking retard.I'm sorry that it took you so long to get where you are,and still be a mindless loser.WAKE UP MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!DAMN your sad.Maybe you should practice sightreading some more,so that you will realize that it's not difficult at all.Catch up with the rest of us.

quote:You're 23-24, what have you accomplished as a drummer?

From middle school to highscool,I learned every aspect that makes percussion.From snare to tympany,from marimba to cymbals,from xylaphone to piano,from bass drums to drumset,from chimes to quads,and quads to quints,and so on and so on.The list goes on I have the knowlegde,skills know how to shut stupid fucks like you down everytime,time and time again!!!!In highschool marching band we placed in top 3 every year,and there were judges which knew musicianship when seen,unlike you.Every year after marching band,our drumline would go and tour california to show our talents.Every show,every year 1 st place winners !!!!THats right no lie,no need to lie, we have trophies to prove it:doublefi:
After highscool,I joined at least four different bands within a five year span.Each one played shows,each one had a following.The last band I was in realeased an ep on unique leader records,and the second is recorded,but not yet released.Not to mention shirts,merchandise,fanbase ect.....

about your questionaire:::
#1 I have no idea what type of knowledge they have of PLAYING drums,but they sure know how to polish a turd,thats for sure!!!!All hype when it comes to that crap!!YOu do realize that the writers at times are nothing but writes.Deskmen,that sit at cubicles,and write,not play drums.

#2 When it comes to more knowledge about playing drums yes.And those are just the choices that md gave you,you had to pick from those shitty drummers,and thats all there is to that.

#3 I'am definetelly without a doubt MORE intelligent than most metal fans.Besides the fact that I don't listen to "metal",(it;'s deathmetal, and yes there is a difference).Most metal fans don't even know the first thing about musicianship,BUT..the bands that play do!!!Thats were you have me wroong,you think I'm a metal fan,when in fact I'am a deathmetal drummer,with knowledge,and skill,so get off your highhorse bitch!!!

#4 goerge w.bush,of deathmetal?I know it's more important to be the intelligent one of the bunch,when is that not important?

#5 I have never had any reason to lie,I prove my point with action not words.I have never lied in this thread,not even once,and there is no way I can convince you otherwise.

BLAM!!!!!! take that cunt:doublefi:
Sorry Sermon, I was OOT for a couple days, and wasn't here to
chime in.

Perkele, it is fun to debate with you, even though you said you
weren't going to :D I love it when good musicians get into a
philosophical debate over the style they love. Bro, there is no
doubt in anyones mind who has played Death metal well, those
drummers are among the best in the world, and could learn other
styles no problem, and easily take on the jazz world, even right
now. However these jazz drummers, at this point in their life,
could not take on the demands of drumming hardcore, they most
definately COULD have, if they started this when they were younger in music, but at this point in time, would be left behind
in the mosh pit no doubt. So the simple end to this is Ray Herrerra could easily take to the jazz world, and accomplish much,
however NO jazz drummer could simply go sit in with Fear Factory.

You are going to have to accept that some of the best guitarists,
bassists and drummers on this planet are playing hardcore. They
were NOT banished to hardcore because they flunked out of music
theory at some state college. They chose it, live it, love it, and play it. You make it sound as if only music "flunkies" go play metal, because "boohoo" they couldn't handle jazz, and got kicked out of class. Bro, that is ridiculous.
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