~SC~ said:
How much food you have to eat/avoid and what types, in regards to your weight gain/loss and levels of activity.
Ina very non-scientific nutshell.....
Someone with a fast metabolism could eat basically anything and not put on weight. This is even with low activity levels. This person will have trouble gaining fat AND muscle.
Someone with a slow metabolism has trouble keeping weight off, is very sensitive to food intake, has to carefully monitor what food they eat and when. This is even with a high activity level. This person has trouble losing fat, but gaining muscle isn't always a problem.
That said, I think slow metabolism is WAY over-talked about. People with a "slow metabolism" usually overeat, or eat the wrong foods. Their activity level is usually too low too. It is a cop out, in many regards. Obviously, someone with a DIAGNOSED thyroid condition doesn't fit this bill though. But the "slow metabolism" in most cases is usually a case of "eats too much of the wrong foods and spends way too little time in the gym".
Shit, I have to very carefully watch what I eat, so I am sure my metabolism isn't fast. But slow? Nah, I just don't always eat the right foods or make the right choices. That is MY fault, not my metabolism. My metabolism isn't built to eat fast food, yet I sometimes ask it too - the result? Gaining fat. It is MY choice, MY responsibility to eat clean.