I agree Engi, Fuck Them!
You know what I do? When I am training, if I see somebody insult or try and intimidate somebody, I ask them to train with me. I show them whatever I can to help the newer bodybuilder out. I will also not let somebody be harassed like that.
I then ask the "Asshole" to train legs with me. They will never do it because they are too busy trying to make their little minds feel better about their little dick.
I have been training for more than a decade. I don't care what anybody does or what others think about when I use smaller weights. I can show a person how to curl 95lbs barbell and make it feel like 135. The guy that said that has probably never deadlifted. When he squats (if he does) he only goes a quarter of the way down doesn't he? He is too interested in what others think of him than actually doing something right. That guy is a total loser.
You keep training. Don't worry about the weights. Only compare yourself with yourself. Make sure you are lifting more than you did last workout or doing more reps. Improve yourself and let that prick strut around. When he goes home I'll bet his fragile little ego is in shambles the better part of the day.