I am currently in week 2 of a strict CKD Diet. and was going mental on day 5 before my pre-load carb up. feeling tiny and drained. than carb day ran depletion routine, was hard as Fuark.. struggled big time.. had carb day, ate like a boss, felt sick to start with, than arvo carbs leveled out and felt better, day after was rest day, than next day on low carb, <15g carbs, workout was amazing. felling good currecnlty .
i feel i could use a refeed midweek, tho as i have a high metablism and im on a very very strict diet, so my body hits keto pretty much in a day and half.. so might trial a midweek refeed and see how the workout goes.. and its true i felt and looked lighter after the workout from the carb day.. was freaky shit.. never done this diet before. and its brutal but seems to be paying off, and seeing some small result in a short.
want to ask should i maybe stick to the current plan and do midweek refeed on the third week ? coz maybe i am expericing a placebo feeling ?