omg? im dieting to lose weight and my right nipple is more puffier / sticks out more then my left? WTF? seems like my left one got smaller how it should but the right didnt keep up?
May have gyno or you may hold more fat there naturally...
I had gyno... I got it chopped out of my right pec.. I have a very small unnoticeable amount in my left that I never got removed.. It goes almost completely away when I cut....
omg? im dieting to lose weight and my right nipple is more puffier / sticks out more then my left? WTF? seems like my left one got smaller how it should but the right didnt keep up?
Its not necessarily a puffy remedy, but it helps make your chest look more sleek. Your body will change to become more efficiant in getting through the water. A tan also seems to help.