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Look at my summer cycle im 180 lb 5.9 heigh 8.5% bf


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•Test P• •Wino• •HCG•

Week1: 400mg. --------
Week2: 400mg. --------
Week3: 400mg. -------- HCG 500
Week4: 400mg. -------- HCG 500
Week5: 400mg. 150mg. HCG 500
Week6: 400mg. 150mg. HCG 500
Week7: 400mg. 150mg. HCG 500
Week8: 400mg. 150mg. HCG 500
Week9: 400mg. 300mg. HCG 500
Wek10: 400mg. 300mg. HCG 500
Wek11: -------- 300mg. HCG 500
Wek12: -------- 300mg. HCG 500

Day 1: Clomid 300 + Nolva 40
Days 2-11: Clomid 100 + Nolva 20
Days 12-28: Clomid 50 + Nolva 20

•PS=arimidex 0.25 pill EOD

I need ur opinion and wher can i buy a legit stuff from the web thanks :)
You wont prevent it dude. Those dosages are sick, never ever seen them that high. Nice stats though.. Nevertheless.
clomid is not going to prevent anything... you don't even know what your talking about bro... have you ever ran a cycle before? this isn't a funny joke with the doses of winstrol... you won't make it more than 2 weeks, if your lucky... you don't know what your doing and your going to hurt yourself... don't run this cycle the way you have it...
I've never used winstrol. Can it be dosed at 300 mg without killing yourself? The highest dosages I usually read about are around a 100 mg.
Okay so give another opininon ti change that cycle form like dosage and numbers of week or maybe gears :/
Im already 8.5% bf what is the beat for me i want hardness and muscle mass an drop in the same time to 6% bf ;)
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