I'm pretty lazy so here is a direct quote from :
Question: I don’t think you know what your are talking
about. You are the only one who says that maltodextrin
is bad for you. Everyone that I know consumes large
amounts of this complex carb. and feels just fine. Plus, I
looked through all of my magazines and they all support
the consumption of maltodextrin. What’s your problem,
man! Get a life and learn a little before you spout off.
Answer: Hmmm…how do I go about answering this?
Well, I agree with you that it is used in a ton of products
on the market. I also agree that every magazine vastly
supports its use. However, and this is a big however,
maltodextrin is seriously harmful to consume. I am sorry
to say that everyone else doing it doesn’t make it
necessarily right or good for you. All of the magazines
(and the supplement companies that own them) have a
vested interest in hyping and selling you things that are
dirt cheap and convenient. In this case it is maltodextrin.
Technically, maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate, but
it behaves much like (actually worse than) a simple
sugar. I wish it wasn’t true but maltodextrin is 80%
worse than sucrose or table sugar. I have counseled
many fitness competitors who were consuming 2-3 meal
replacements per day and had subcutaneous fat stores that
they just couldn’t get rid of. Basically, these people
were desperate. As soon as I reviewed their diet, I knew
what the culprit was. They were consuming a large
portion of their calories as maltodextrin which was
spiking their sugar and insulin levels. The insulin was
activating fat-increasing enzymes which were making
them “fat”. In fact, another name for subcutaneous fat is
insulin fat.
Many times I take the “road less traveled”. While my
colleagues and the rest of the industry are saying one
thing, I will voice something different…something I
believe in…something that is the truth. In this case, there
is plenty of evidence to implicate maltodextrin as a
product to stay away from. Look on the back of your
meal replacement, sports bar, or any other macronutrient
product and look for the words maltodextrin. Even if the
product is sugar free, if it contains maltodextrin, it is a
terrible product. STAY AWAY FROM IT!!!!
There you have it.
So what's up with you Calvin?
I'm pretty lazy so here is a direct quote from :
Question: I don’t think you know what your are talking
about. You are the only one who says that maltodextrin
is bad for you. Everyone that I know consumes large
amounts of this complex carb. and feels just fine. Plus, I
looked through all of my magazines and they all support
the consumption of maltodextrin. What’s your problem,
man! Get a life and learn a little before you spout off.
Answer: Hmmm…how do I go about answering this?
Well, I agree with you that it is used in a ton of products
on the market. I also agree that every magazine vastly
supports its use. However, and this is a big however,
maltodextrin is seriously harmful to consume. I am sorry
to say that everyone else doing it doesn’t make it
necessarily right or good for you. All of the magazines
(and the supplement companies that own them) have a
vested interest in hyping and selling you things that are
dirt cheap and convenient. In this case it is maltodextrin.
Technically, maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate, but
it behaves much like (actually worse than) a simple
sugar. I wish it wasn’t true but maltodextrin is 80%
worse than sucrose or table sugar. I have counseled
many fitness competitors who were consuming 2-3 meal
replacements per day and had subcutaneous fat stores that
they just couldn’t get rid of. Basically, these people
were desperate. As soon as I reviewed their diet, I knew
what the culprit was. They were consuming a large
portion of their calories as maltodextrin which was
spiking their sugar and insulin levels. The insulin was
activating fat-increasing enzymes which were making
them “fat”. In fact, another name for subcutaneous fat is
insulin fat.
Many times I take the “road less traveled”. While my
colleagues and the rest of the industry are saying one
thing, I will voice something different…something I
believe in…something that is the truth. In this case, there
is plenty of evidence to implicate maltodextrin as a
product to stay away from. Look on the back of your
meal replacement, sports bar, or any other macronutrient
product and look for the words maltodextrin. Even if the
product is sugar free, if it contains maltodextrin, it is a
terrible product. STAY AWAY FROM IT!!!!
There you have it.
So what's up with you Calvin?