6-11-2003 DE squat day **first day of Circa Max**
glute ham 2x10
roller hyper 2x10
standing abs 2x10
internal rotation w/ BB 1x50
illegal wides 1x50
rev grip half press 1x50
band pull aparts 4x10
De squat 5x2@365 w/ blue and purple bands
speed pulls 10x1 @ 315,365,405
rev hyper 4x10
decline abs 4x10
*the meets getting close, time to start upping the intensity, today was a good start.
glute ham 2x10
roller hyper 2x10
standing abs 2x10
internal rotation w/ BB 1x50
illegal wides 1x50
rev grip half press 1x50
band pull aparts 4x10
De squat 5x2@365 w/ blue and purple bands
speed pulls 10x1 @ 315,365,405
rev hyper 4x10
decline abs 4x10
*the meets getting close, time to start upping the intensity, today was a good start.