alright, heres what you can do, treat the workout youve already done as not even being part of the circa max. its just a heavier squat day. the next two weeks, use just a blue or green band and do 5 doubles with 305 and then 325 the next week. this gives you three weeks for the CM phase that i would recommend. the 5th week out you can come in and do 305 and the blues and purples, then the next week you can come in and do 325 and the blues and purples, for 4-5 doubles. then the third week you can either do 4-5 doubles with 345, or you can do what i like to do and just work up to a heavy single, this would be more like a ME day, except your not going to do a balls to the wall single and then take another one, you get one in thats a PR, or is slightly hard. then the last week youll do a 1 week deload phase, this is all you really need for a deload imo, its all ive ever done, and when i get to a meet, i have plenty of speed and my opener smokes. for this week just use a green band and like 275-285, and you can do 4 doubles, or you can do somthing like 6 singles. this day is just to move some weights pretty fast, and make sure your form is right. heres what the plan would look like
1 meet
2 deload week 6x1@275 Green
3 work up to single with Blue and Purple or 4-5x2@345 B and P
4 5x2@325 Blue and Purple
5 5x2@305 Blue and Purple
6 5x2@325 blue
7 5x2@305 blue
8 5x2@285 BP already done.