I looked up southern lord's thread about the ultimate training split and I found this. What do you think about something based off of this layout? Adding in the cardio in one form or another at least 5 to 6 days a week with one day completely off from everything.
Honestly bro I feel way too much cardio. I would suggest not more then 2 days per week max. Remember you wanna build muscle. That much cardio is gonna eat it all up man. IMO.
And also need to remember that you dont grow in the gym but in the recovery of the devestation that you did in the gym.
You will see that I changed some the sets/reps. I did this more for hypertrophy.
Ok bro you MUST hit this as heavy as you can every workout. And it will be exhausting too if you do it right!
Workout 1: is Chest, Chin-ups, and arms in that order OK
Workout 2: is Squats, hamstrings, calves and forearms in that order OK
Workout 3: is Shoulders, Rows, chest, and arms in that order OK
Workout 4: is Deadlifts, squats, calves, and forearms in that order NOT OK. I would loose the additional squats here bro and but my energy into the Dead Lifts, and make em Ass Kickers!
Monday (workout 1)
Bench Press 4 x 3-5 I changed this for you.
Wide Grip chin 4 x 6
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 x 8
Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8
Skull Crushers 3 x 10
Wednesday (workout 2)
Squat or box squat 4 x 8-12 I changed this for you.
Glute/Ham Raises or pullthroughs or SLDL 3 x 8-12
Ab work 3 x 10 I feel that you could better use the time then doing ab work bro. I would sub in Leg Curls, both laying and standing here.
forearms 2 x 20-30
Friday (workout 3)
Shoulder Press or Military press 4 x 5
Rows 4 x 8
Preacher curl 2 x 10 Nah too much bicep work in here bro. I would say Upright BBL Rows 3x8-12. Use 3 grip spacings. Narrow (one hand space between hands). Med (3 spaces between hands) Wide (As wide as you can)
Ab work 3 x 10
Monday (workout 4)
rack deadlift 4 x 5 Excellent choice bro!
Single leg squat variation 2 x 10 I think this will be too much for your knees bro. but if you can and wanna then I would say 1x20 back squats
Calf Raises 3 x 15 Excellent here too bro.
Forearms 2 x 20
Wednesday (Repeat workout 1)
Friday (Repeat workout 2)
Sets should be terminated at the point right before form starts to break down. Rotate the lifts about every 4-8 weeks or whenever a lift stalls. You can use different exercises if you like.
Here are some examples of exercise choices
Workout #1
Chest: Bench press or dumbell press, incline press, DB incline press, decline DB press
Chinups: Wide, medium, or close grip overhand, neutral (palms facing), or under-hand
Prefer underhand/
Shoulders: Side lateral, front lateral, incline lateral
Biceps: Curl variation
Triceps: Dips, pushdowns, triceps extensions. overhead extensions
Workout #2
Squats: Back squat, box squat, front squat
Single leg deadlifts: Bent leg variation, straight leg variation
Hamstrings: Glute Ham, Reverse hyper, leg curl
Workout #3
Shoulders: Military press, Neutral grip DB press
Rows T-bar row, cable row, single arm row
Chest: Crossover or flye variation Waste of time for now bro.
Arms: Dips, extensions, pushdowns, curl variant
Workout #4
Deadlifts: Deadlifts, Wide-grip deadlifts, Rack pull
Single leg squat: Bulgarian split squat, single leg pistol squat
Hamstrings: Glute ham, leg curl, reverse hyper
Choose one exercise for each body-part or movement. Stick with whatever exercise you choose for at least 3 workouts.
I read the whole thread and I think this would be a great place to start. Let me know what you guys think.