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this will make you the best chicken man. It will turn your chicken into super protein. Here you go. use about 5tsp of fresh powder'd tumeric. (should cost you about 3$ for per cup if you find it cheap. You'll be using it a lot.
This shit will make the chicken tender like all the magic chefs do. The Tanin does it. It also helps turn the normal protein into super protein. Nice zest too.
Add 1 tsp spoon fresh cardimon. This will give you energy and help break down the protien, and it tastes good too.
Add about 2 tsp fresh black pepper. 1 Tsp crushed red pepper. 2 tsp paprika 2 tsp Sea Salt.
There's good stuff in there. Sea Salts good too. Then add 3 TBs flax seed oil. The flax oil pulls estrogen out of your blood and expells it.
Mix it up and add about 1TBS basalmic vinegar. Coat you chicken in this stuff, then cook if for a good time. Wow. it's good.
This is a really good reciepe and i share it with you, but make sure you tell people, it's Joe's. You will notice right away how good this works. Super protein
This shit will make the chicken tender like all the magic chefs do. The Tanin does it. It also helps turn the normal protein into super protein. Nice zest too.
Add 1 tsp spoon fresh cardimon. This will give you energy and help break down the protien, and it tastes good too.
Add about 2 tsp fresh black pepper. 1 Tsp crushed red pepper. 2 tsp paprika 2 tsp Sea Salt.
There's good stuff in there. Sea Salts good too. Then add 3 TBs flax seed oil. The flax oil pulls estrogen out of your blood and expells it.
Mix it up and add about 1TBS basalmic vinegar. Coat you chicken in this stuff, then cook if for a good time. Wow. it's good.
This is a really good reciepe and i share it with you, but make sure you tell people, it's Joe's. You will notice right away how good this works. Super protein