Wednesday August 23rd
Waking Temp: 97.6
Weight: N/A
**Remembered to get up early today!! Saw a groundhog running up the street too - a bizarre thing in the inner city.....
Iced Coffee
6 HB egg whites + 1 tblsp. ketchup
1 Glucorell
2 Turkey Sausage Links
Waffle: 1/3 cup dry WW pancake mix + 1/4 cup skim milk + ~ 1/4 cup Egg Beaters
SF syrup
3 Ibuprofen
(fuggin cramps! Argh! Making it hard to get off my butt to go to the gym!)
**Water Tally: 3 (20 oz) bottles of water + 1 (16.9 oz) bottle of water
2 more Ibuprofen
11:00am - Drove to gym
Legs & Arms
(Had to skip abs today)
Warmup on Elliptical with arm attachment; 5 mins
TKEs on Cable Rack: 90lbs - 3x12
Pushdowns on Cable Rack w/V-bar: 90lbs - 1x8; 100lbs - 2x6
R-Leg Lunges: 3x20
Cable Hammer Curls w/Rope: 50lbs - 3x8
Underhand D-Ring Cable Tricep Pulldowns: 30lbs - 3x8*
*Each Arm
Cable Rack T-Bicep Curls: 30lbs* - 3x8
*Each Side
Seated R-Leg Extensions: 50lbs - 1x8; 60lbs - 3x8
Angled Seated Calf Raises: 200lbs - 1x20, 2x15
R-Leg Machine Leg Sled: 80lbs - 1x10, 1x8, 1x10
Standing Overhead Tricep Extension: 15lb DB - 3x8*
*Each arm
SLDLs w/Std Bar: 60lbs Added - 3x10
Squats: Std Bar Only - 1x15; 5lbs Added - 3x15
Standing Curls w/EZ Bar: 10lbs Added - 1x10; 15lbs Added - 2x10
Hip Abductor: 130lbs - 1x10; 150lbs - 2x8
PWO Shake: 1 scoop Vanilla PP + 2 tsp. Glutamine + 1/2 cup skim milk + 3 oz. peaches + ice
2/3 cup cooked WW penne pasta + 6 TJs meatless meatballs + 1/2 Newman's Own Sockarooni spag. sauce
2 Levorex
**Feeling VERY hungry today!!
2.5 oz. chicken + 1.25oz tomato + 1 TJs LC WW tortilla + 1 tblsp. Tzatiki dip
1 can Fresca Original Citrus soda
1 serving Liquid Gluc/Chon/MSM blend