there is an actor/hells angel i dint remember who it is. but i do remember seing the footage of a cleeb party years ago where van dam was talking shit to the guy and he hit van dam 1 time in th mouth. van dam was on the floor bloody and crying. he's a phony
i got to tell you, Jackie Chan would kick Segal, Van Dame and Norris asses together when he was in his prime, ever watch any of his early movies back in china? like The Young Master or even Drunken Master part 1? he looked jacked i would swear he was on something...
Van Damme probalby juiced and starved himself on a super low calorie deficit. He looked really defined and ripped in bloodsport, but not too much mass. Good genetics, low cals, cardio and high rep weight lifting, plus a little juice.
Van Damme was a huge coke head. That explains his leaness.
Overall, I wasn't very impressed with his physique once I joined a real gym. Sad thing though is that 90% of people on here dream/juice/train/juice/eat/juice to try to look like Ronnie Coleman when their genetics are obviously more geared to a Van Damme physique. Which they don't even achieve that because they pursue an unrealistic goal and work against their body's potential. And wind up never looking much different year after year.