BrettB1 said:
must be all the "meatballs" you guys eat
Meatballs are not part of traditinal Italian cuisine.
That's an Americanized trend like the over Fatty Pizzas that are popular in the U.S. In Italy Pizzas are made with Mozzarella cheese (much leaner/very low fat content), not cheddar cheese/artificial or over oily derivatives, the Pizzas in Italy are low in fat compared to the Dominos.Pizza Hutt, Chicagos Pizza etc...found in the U.S.
Same goes for Meatballs?
In Italy they serve on occassion meat patties, however all this meatball thing is only apparent in the U.S where the crap canned foods popularized by Heinz,watties or other fast food companies are promoting the spaghetti meatball nonsense.
It isn't part of the Italian diet at all. A problem to think about though must be all those hormones injected in U.S or British beef....probably one reason why the Americans are the most obese people in the world followed very closely behind by the British...
Btw why do most American /Brit women shave their legs? Is it ..coz
THEY are hairy. I didnt see many hairy girls at all whilst living in Italy for over 6 years compared to England or the U.S. Where every 3rd woman has , it seems a body hair problem. The recorded sales of lady shavers and depillatory creams are unbelievably huge in The U.S and also Britain ...much higher than anywhere else in the world(apart from Mexico which came in equal 2nd with Britain). Australia and New Zealand are also not far behind in terms of obesity and hairyness.
Italians,Spanish,French...are not that hairy at all ...If you've actually been over there and seen fer yerself.But who really cares anyway.
Anybody on AAS has more to worry about in terms of extra body hair growth than the above mentioned groups, add on top of that the animal hormones/roids that are contaminating U.S and British beef (which is being consumed at any given moment in America and England)and you have your answer right there as to the body image problem being faced in those countries by people as young as their 20's hairy and obese *yuk!*...but I digress.