Here's the thing.
Hunger pains just means your stomach has finished breaking down the food and moving it to the next step of digestion process. Its in the intestines that the majority of the absorption occurs. So lets say your meal above had 100g of protein total.
In the stomach the acids and digestive juices break this down into a more usable form (this is where the bromelain is most useful)
Next the food moves to the intestines where your body starts to absorb all the nutrients that it broke down. You body isn't going to absorb everything which is why most researchers guess 40g-60g of protein per meal. So of that 100g you might only absorb 55g or 60g, it will vary per meal
I keep most of my meals between 25g-40g protein and almost never go over 60g.
I've done high protein before (taking in over 60g per meal) and for the most part my ass smell like rotten eggs when doing so. Taking in smaller quantities of protein more frequently I have zero to no gas and the gas I do have smells nothing like rotten sulfurous eggs; its more like broccoli cause I eat a ton of broccoli.
The extra macro's, not just protein, will just be shit out.