IrishMobBoss said:
Im catholic so technically any sex in which contraceptives are used or the sex is not intended for reproduction is a sin, so my answer is yes. but I sin alot with my girlfriend so whats one more
well, catholics dont exactly follow the bible.
for one thing, no where in the bible does it say a pastor/priest/reverend is not allowed to have a wife.
secondly, catholics believe priests are an intermediary between people and god, and that you must go through them to confess your sins, so they can be forgiven. this is also another case in which the catholic church goes against the bible.
third, catholics elevate certain people to almost god like stature and claim them to be something they arent; perfect.(ie the pope).
fourth point, molesting children is running rampant throughout the catholic church, and to make matters worse, the dicocese, bishops, and pope are doing little to nothing about it. allow me to split hairs on this. if they were following the word of god, they would have tied a mill stone around the necks of these priests and then chuck them in the water and see if they could swim. but no, they do no such thing. instead, they move them around in secret, so they can continue to force children to blow on gabriel's horn. oh well.
fuck the pope.