Inhibitor13 said:
It kills me to see lists like this! I have not once seen a list for women! ...door swings both ways ya know! I think its time guys throw lists out there for the women.... Here I will get the first one started for ya.
1) When your man comes home from work, dont begin telling him how bad your day went and continue to blabber on how difficult your life is.... INSTEAD !make sure you have on the sexiest underway you can find...... give the man anything he wants and/or have your way with him.
Actually I would LOOOOOVEEE to see such a list, not one of these bullshit lists like in Cosmo but a genuine,
Honest to God "shit dudes need in the rack" or "shit dudes need in a relationship."
I've asked my husband what he wants for foreplay, what he really needs, I will honestly tell you: He pointed at his penis. He said grab it or suck it, then hop on, I'm happy.
I've also asked him what he needs in a relationship, he said: don't hollar at me, don't be mad and not tell me why, a home cooked meal once in a while is truly, deeply appreciated, and I like affection.
So, I do those things anyway ... we never fight and I like him and he likes me.
BUUUUTTTT, we're a little older than a lot of the posters, people are a lot like wine, they mellow a bit as they age

It's like the only damn benefit.
In terms of the first point on your list, Inhibitor, I appreciate that you don't want your wife to dump on you when you want to decompress, but women perceive their spouses as their friends and women deal with problems by verbalizing them ... and if she DID have a shitty day, why do you expect her to be in sexy underwear and ready to wait on you hand and foot, when do you expect to care about HER needs. Women cannot work out aggrivations and frustrations in bed the way men can, we're not wired that way. If our day pissed us off, it will STAY with us until someone lends a sympathetic ear and we have a chance to unload it. And if were pissed about something, we usually have no interest in rustling the sheets

it is what it is.