I am by no means a LG's expert but have been doing it religiously for almost a year now and can say a few things:
1. You need to clean up your diet - especially at that weight your at -
Think clean , whole foods like grains, veggies, fruits and lean meats
2. Sorry to hear about your limitations however try to incorporate heavy compounded lifts as much as you can prior to breaking the fast.
3. Hunger is a state of mind - you must work thru it - I have done 40 fasts with NO foods - its not hard once you program your mind.
Good luck
Thanks for your reply man.
Hunger is not a problem for me. I could fast for 2 days straight if I needed to.
My fear is to lose my muscle mass. I was around 20% BF before my injuries and my arms were 18.5". So I've lost some mass which I haven't been able to get back. Right now I just want to get this gut off my body, and lose another 20-30lbs. That should get me close to the 20% I was before. If I have good success with this plan, I may try to shoot for 15% if I can.
So today it has been like this:
I started my fast at 10pm last night. I took a ZMA and B-Complex caps before bed. I went to bed at 12:30am.
I woke up around 9:30am, took some creatine/caffeine/tyrosine and did 30 mins of cardio.
1hr later I took 10g of BCAA's.
It's currently 12:40pm.
I plan on going to the gym around 2pm, and I will do some fasted training with 10g of BCAA's before my workout.
I plan on breaking the fast around 3pm with a Lean Body shake (300cal) + a meal from a Greek place I know nearby (A chicken leg with potatoes and a Greek salad. I'm estimating 600cal?) So around 900cal in total, and maybe 60-70g protein?
Then my next meal will be another Lean Body shake with another salad around 7pm.
And them my final meal will probably be around 10pm. I'm going to buy some cottage cheese today, so it will probably be around 300cals of cottage cheese with a spoonful of splenda to sweeten it up a bit. I could probably have some more greens to go with it as well.
I really don't know how else to get so much protein in, and keep the carbs low other than doing it that way.
Here's the supplements I'm using currently:
1. Creatine
2. Caffeine
3. Tyrosine
(those are always in the morning, and always before cardio)
4. A multivitamin with my first meal
5. A spoonful of Flax Seed oil with my first meal
I was using Alpha Lipoic Acid before every meal as well, but apparently on IF it doesn't help much? So I'm going to cut down on it and maybe take one r-ala 150mg cap every other day?
Then before bed I take ZMA and B-Complex, which helps trememdously for sleep.
I'm also currently on Dutasteride for hair loss. Holy shit this stuff kicks ass, I'm already regrowing hair, and this is with a very low dose (0.1mg EOD). I can't tolerate higher, otherwise I get severe insomnia.
I was also trying a very low dose of Arimidex (0.07mg once a week)and I find that this is giving me aggression lol. When I take the Dutast and Adex together on the same day, the whole day I feel like the hulk, like I could tear shit apart with my bare hands lol.
My reasoning for this is that I understand that reduction of DHT can potentially raise E2 levels (along with all the environmental E2 mimickers we're exposed to), so I figured a very tiny dose of Adex will help to minimize this. So far I'm liking the results, but what do you guys think?