Hi RickRock13,
Thanks for all the great information and the that you have been going out of your way to answer everyone's questions for so long now. I just came across this thread yesterday.
I have been doing IF for about a 7 months now, with great results. I love the lifestyle most of all and not having to worry about my muscles falling off when I don't eat.
I concur with what you say about having to watch not to over-eat. I have the same problem. If there is a feast, like Christmas dinner, I can eat forever. I have no stop function. I'm starting to think that I would be successful at my local pie-eating contest.
I have one question for you, if you would be so kind to answer. I'm starting my first cycle IF style. I was told by my IF coach, that when I was going to do a slow-bulk, I would continue with my same eating protocols, only raising my training day carbs by 50 and adding 50 carbs to my rest days. Once strength gains stop or stall, I should add another 50 carbs. Do you think this is sufficient? I will continue to gauge my weight and weekly strength increases.
I know that friends of mine who cycle, say I should eat anything I can get my hands on and eat up to 500 carbs/day. Off the juice, my training day carbs would be about 250-300, so 500 seems excessive.
According to my IF coach, calories don't matter, but macros do. A training day calorie count may only be about 2400 when I get my clean macros in. My juice friends say I should be consuming 5000-7000 calories/day. I think that's crazy!
8% BF
Training day: Protein/carbs/fat 180/300/45
Rest Day: 200/50/95