ok time is drawing closer to recomp mode this is pretty much my plan : 20/20 calorie split - 16 hour fast 8 hour refeed
train weights 4-5 times a week will probably alternate :
1 week 5 times weights 2 cardio
day 1 chest
day 2 back
day 3 cardio 60min
day 4 legs
day 5 delts
day 6 arms
day 7 cardio 60min
1 week 4 times weights 3 cardio
day 1 chest delts
day 2 back
day 3 cardio 60min
day 4 legs
day 5 arms
day 6 cardio 60min
day 7 cardio 60min
training all done fasted 5.30 am to 7.00 am
10g bcaas before and 10g bcaas after training and again at 9 am and 11am
meal 1 fast break : 1pm
pws shake
extra lean ground beef
2 cups brown rice veges
skinless chicken breast
1-2 apples
meal 2 : 4pm
whey shake
organic peanut butter
2 tins tuna with olive oil
100g raw weight oats
1 pear
meal 3 : 8pm last meal
fat free cottage cheese
greek yoghurt
whey powder
1 tablespoon macadamia nut oil
1 tablespoon olive oil
bodyweight in lbs x 15 = 3150 cal maintenance
20% above = 3780 cal
20% below = 2520 cal
macro breakdown :
weight days : 400g pro 300g carbs 110g fats
cardio days : 400g pro 50g carbs 80g fats
on the right track ?
train weights 4-5 times a week will probably alternate :
1 week 5 times weights 2 cardio
day 1 chest
day 2 back
day 3 cardio 60min
day 4 legs
day 5 delts
day 6 arms
day 7 cardio 60min
1 week 4 times weights 3 cardio
day 1 chest delts
day 2 back
day 3 cardio 60min
day 4 legs
day 5 arms
day 6 cardio 60min
day 7 cardio 60min
training all done fasted 5.30 am to 7.00 am
10g bcaas before and 10g bcaas after training and again at 9 am and 11am
meal 1 fast break : 1pm
pws shake
extra lean ground beef
2 cups brown rice veges
skinless chicken breast
1-2 apples
meal 2 : 4pm
whey shake
organic peanut butter
2 tins tuna with olive oil
100g raw weight oats
1 pear
meal 3 : 8pm last meal
fat free cottage cheese
greek yoghurt
whey powder
1 tablespoon macadamia nut oil
1 tablespoon olive oil
bodyweight in lbs x 15 = 3150 cal maintenance
20% above = 3780 cal
20% below = 2520 cal
macro breakdown :
weight days : 400g pro 300g carbs 110g fats
cardio days : 400g pro 50g carbs 80g fats
on the right track ?