Well folks I think I'm feeling a little better today, which is good. I started messaging a lot more girls online, and hopefully will be able to meet some nice attractive women.
age of consent in my state is 16 anyway, i know she's a senior, so she couldnt be younger than 16, unless she were at least 2 grades ahead.
i want to live in a single BR apartment in my city, which costs around $700-800 per month.
I maybe about 17 an hour, but I'm a contractor, meaning i get no benefits, and I have to pay 7.65% extra of my income in taxes because I have to pay for all my FICA.
I dont work all the time, because I'm doing short stints and looking for jobs in between.
I need a serious long term job, that pays decent and has benefits, if i want to move out.
I volunatarily let a woman touch my dick, it feels different
I'm wondering if I would feel better about it if I could at least kiss her once. Or if I could get her naked or go down her pants. Then at least I could have had my way with her too.
But yeah, youre right in that she doesnt care about me, and doesnt want to teach me how to kiss or anything. but i want it so bad from her, lol. she is so hot.
Yeah, I wish I had just been assertive and not let her do anyting to me, I should have been like "there is no way you are touching my dick unless you kiss me first". But i didnt
So I'm just trying to figure out how to rememdy this now. Either get what I want from her (kisses, nudity, going down her pants, etc) or just forget it about and leave.
agreed, I thought now would be a good time to get some physical experience with women though. I mean i know she isnt relationship material. Its a tough call.
yeah, i figured most men have a hard shell that has been built up over time. I'm wondering though if its still worth building up that thick skin just to fuck some more random girls though. Never should a man stop giving up on relationships with women, but wanting a relationship and just wanting someone to fuck, are 2 different things.
This chick was giving me a lousy handjob, squeezing way too hard, etc. So of course its not my fault. (although I probably shoulda done this stuff with her sooner, because after being hard for 3 hours its not the same as being hard when you first lay next to her) But anyways, had she known what she was doing she could have still gotten me off, I hadnt jerked it in 2 days, so I should have been able to bust that all over her if she had some skill.
I dont think what I experienced is going to have any effect on my belief system. Sex is something that is fun and there are natural consequences (some negative) that effect everyone, Christians and non-Christians, and I'll learn those as I go along. Sex is overall a good thing and should be enjoyed, with a few precautions put into place.
The guilt I feel isnt so much about religion but rather that I just that I should have been smarter and remained in better control of the situation, that way my first time would have been better. But its too late for that now, so I'm just going to focus on the future. And of course emotions play a role as well, cuz its easy to be hard on yourself sometimes, when you're feeling down.
I think Christianity does place a lot of unfair pressure on virginity, which isnt cool because when people in the church have premarital sex then they might feel bad later. It can't be as big of a deal as some make it out to be, because even people who lose it and are Christian still manage to do just fine with life, and some are even happy they lost it.
Experiences are pretty darn important for learning, and sometimes its the only way I learn.
I will consider renting that move this weekend maybe, im just pretty busy this week with work and all.
I dont know if I could have stopped any desire from her to bang some highschool guy. She said before she didnt want a relationship with me, and I think thats what she thought from the start, so she was free to do what she wanted. Either that or maybe she did want more but i blew it, but in other case, like others are saying, she isnt the best girl to have a relationship with. its not a big loss.
Ive read over the statuatory rape laws for MN and I'm pretty sure that 16 is the cut off.
I guess the only way to completely verify would be to talk with a lawyer. Maybe I could speak with a free one sometime, if I get a chance to get in for an appointment.
true, chastity is more than physical actions. i think because the church puts so much emphasis on the actions though, it warps the brains of some christians.
I think I'll be happier if I do some sexual stuff before marriage, I just have to be careful about how that happens and how it all goes down. Or maybe I just need to do it a lot so that I can get used to it and cant be hurt by it, lol.
I'm very glad that i did this with this girl instead of a hooker. a hooker would have made me feel much worse, lol. how pathetic is that, hahaha. at least this girl wanted to do things with me and wasnt just doing it for money.
if she wants to treat me like shit i wont allow it. honestly i just want to make out with her a few times, fool around more with her, do it my way, and then not see her again cuz I'm sure I could find a better girl to spend my time around.
yep, i did read it and im going to respond, just havent had time to yet. but thats going to be my next large post.
krishna said:OMG here we go again. SHE'S IN HIGHSCHOOL? She's not 18 DUMBASS! I don't care what the fuck she told you. You're fucking lucky is what you are. Just forget about her and be lucky her pops hasn't got you thrown in jail by now. She sounds dumb enough to get you in trouble if something were to actually happen. Trust me bro, I've been to prison. If you're in there for stat rape, it doesn't matter how cool you were on the outs, you're gonna get tortured every day of your life. I punked a few of those mo's myself. Grow up you dumbass! This is tough love right here.
age of consent in my state is 16 anyway, i know she's a senior, so she couldnt be younger than 16, unless she were at least 2 grades ahead.
krishna said:Wait, didn't you say you lived with your dad or something? You make plenty enough to be out on your own. Plus you're what 22? 23? Something is starting to seem fishy.
i want to live in a single BR apartment in my city, which costs around $700-800 per month.
I maybe about 17 an hour, but I'm a contractor, meaning i get no benefits, and I have to pay 7.65% extra of my income in taxes because I have to pay for all my FICA.
I dont work all the time, because I'm doing short stints and looking for jobs in between.
I need a serious long term job, that pays decent and has benefits, if i want to move out.
HiDnGoD said:You've not been innocent for a long time. Your dick is involved in a sexual act everytime you go to sleep and dream of banging anything that walks in a skirt.
She's a tease. She doesn't care about you.
MOve on to a girl that will teach you about love, not this crush stuff.
I volunatarily let a woman touch my dick, it feels different

I'm wondering if I would feel better about it if I could at least kiss her once. Or if I could get her naked or go down her pants. Then at least I could have had my way with her too.
But yeah, youre right in that she doesnt care about me, and doesnt want to teach me how to kiss or anything. but i want it so bad from her, lol. she is so hot.
silver_shadow said:dude, don't tell me i didn't tell you so.
wow... if a chick had done that to me, i wouldn't be sitting around moping about it... i'd move on.
a few years ago, my sis introduced me to this chick... so we went to a nightclub and we were dancing... my sis and her boyfriend, there were a few other couples in our group. the afore mentioned chick and me were the only 2 who were not seeing each other but were paired off nonetheless. then i suggested that we sit down for a few mins and have a drink. and she says she didn't want to... not rudely but just says it... so i got pissed off and said "ok, you wanna dance, then dance alone" and i stormed off leaving her standing alone. now can you imagine what would have happened if your facebook chick had tried her GAMES on me? i'm not saying that you have to be all macho and not have feelings but THIS girl is not worth crying over... she's playing games with you and your feelings and then she insults your manhood to rub salt into your wounds.
PS: i know i was being an asshole with my sis' friend....![]()
Yeah, I wish I had just been assertive and not let her do anyting to me, I should have been like "there is no way you are touching my dick unless you kiss me first". But i didnt

Turd Ferguson said:Cut your ties and be done. She isn't girl for you. There is another out there bor.
agreed, I thought now would be a good time to get some physical experience with women though. I mean i know she isnt relationship material. Its a tough call.
Gambino said:heal, every tuff guy-juicer-meathead in this thread knows the pain you are going thru.
they will front, and tell tales of how many girls they fucked over etc, but deep down we all know that pain...the difference between you and us is that we experienced this at a much younger age and have grown accustomed to it.
i used to sweat girls big time, i'd let small things fuck with me.
then, after getting fucked over a few times, i learned quick how to play the game and protect myself from dumbass hooors. for instance, this gal is bitching at you for going limp? bro, it's her duty to make your lil' guy stiff...if he is soft, maing that's her fault.
i don't see how she can throw that on you.
what i don't want to see here is you using this dismal (though a great learning op) as an excuse to embrace more of your ideological christianity. wimmien are not evil, touching a females body is not a sin, that guilt you feel is not guilt about not living a godly existence, it's not even guilt at all.
it's called emotions.
don't confuse the two
yeah, i figured most men have a hard shell that has been built up over time. I'm wondering though if its still worth building up that thick skin just to fuck some more random girls though. Never should a man stop giving up on relationships with women, but wanting a relationship and just wanting someone to fuck, are 2 different things.
This chick was giving me a lousy handjob, squeezing way too hard, etc. So of course its not my fault. (although I probably shoulda done this stuff with her sooner, because after being hard for 3 hours its not the same as being hard when you first lay next to her) But anyways, had she known what she was doing she could have still gotten me off, I hadnt jerked it in 2 days, so I should have been able to bust that all over her if she had some skill.
I dont think what I experienced is going to have any effect on my belief system. Sex is something that is fun and there are natural consequences (some negative) that effect everyone, Christians and non-Christians, and I'll learn those as I go along. Sex is overall a good thing and should be enjoyed, with a few precautions put into place.
The guilt I feel isnt so much about religion but rather that I just that I should have been smarter and remained in better control of the situation, that way my first time would have been better. But its too late for that now, so I'm just going to focus on the future. And of course emotions play a role as well, cuz its easy to be hard on yourself sometimes, when you're feeling down.
jackangel said:the pain, depression, confusion, and regret you are feeling are not only perfectly normal, but good. i want you to feel them. especially regret.
these notions of innocence and purity, and of being special because you're desperately trying to hold onto them...are illusory. we are all under the sway of illusions, even if we recognize them as such. that would be fine, if not for the nature of illusions -- they tend to shatter.
i'm not saying that physical intimacy shouldn't be regarded as special or sacred, or that it shouldn't be saved for someone that you care about. but if you've lost your virginity, you haven't really lost anything of import. this is flawed thinking. after having done something you regret, you are capable of reflecting and changing your behaviour in the future. you can still be true to yourself, if you know yourself. if you don't, you can venture forth with your present balance of understanding and desire and do the best you can. you can make mistakes.
you haven't lost perfection or fallen from grace. you haven't lost a source of strength. rather, you have gained in strength because you have (hopefully) learned more about yourself and burned away a small fragment of falsehood or untruth.
even if you don't recognize it now, and run in circles of fruitless mentation, you will see more of it in time...as you do more. the key is to keep doing.
i'd like for you to rent a movie called The Big Kahuna, and pay close attention to it. once you have, i'd also like to know what you think of it.
I think Christianity does place a lot of unfair pressure on virginity, which isnt cool because when people in the church have premarital sex then they might feel bad later. It can't be as big of a deal as some make it out to be, because even people who lose it and are Christian still manage to do just fine with life, and some are even happy they lost it.
Experiences are pretty darn important for learning, and sometimes its the only way I learn.
I will consider renting that move this weekend maybe, im just pretty busy this week with work and all.
jd_uk said:SO basically, whateveryone told you would happen actually did happen? ..and the reason...because you acted like you did. If you don't want to feel like this anymore then have the balls to change. Some other guy will soon be doing the stuff with her that you want to be doing and you could've stopped that. You will learn but you've got to push yourself.
I dont know if I could have stopped any desire from her to bang some highschool guy. She said before she didnt want a relationship with me, and I think thats what she thought from the start, so she was free to do what she wanted. Either that or maybe she did want more but i blew it, but in other case, like others are saying, she isnt the best girl to have a relationship with. its not a big loss.
Subzeero said:i think you are right. You have to be 16 to legally have sex in some places, but they are protected from peeps over 18 or 21 years of age. They can have sex with anyone between 16-18 legally and with their own consent.
thats how i understand it.
Ive read over the statuatory rape laws for MN and I'm pretty sure that 16 is the cut off.
I guess the only way to completely verify would be to talk with a lawyer. Maybe I could speak with a free one sometime, if I get a chance to get in for an appointment.
musclemom said:Heal, take it as I'm saying it:
Either be a virgin, take it seriously, keep your hands out of ANY girls pants and wait until you get married to have virgin sex. When you date girls you let them know up front you've chosen chastity.
Get thee laid and stop stressing over it (you'll certainly be much happier).
I assure you, the creator of the universe is not hung up on where you stick your penis.
You claim you want to be chaste, but chastity encompasses more than just physical actions. What you're being now is unhappy, confused and even a little hypocritical.
Oh, some girl touching your pee-pee in a makeout session doesn't qualify as losing your virginity so let that one go, okay?
true, chastity is more than physical actions. i think because the church puts so much emphasis on the actions though, it warps the brains of some christians.
I think I'll be happier if I do some sexual stuff before marriage, I just have to be careful about how that happens and how it all goes down. Or maybe I just need to do it a lot so that I can get used to it and cant be hurt by it, lol.
Tweakle said:Even worse than having your first experience with a sex worker, at least a hooker would have got you off and been honest about the whole thing.
after she lets lil Johnny weasle-dick do whatever he wants to her this weekend (and he'll be having a fine old time getting all those goodies she wouldn't give up to you) she'll be feeling a little degraded and need to take it out on someone lower down the food chain than her... she'll need someone to treat like shit to boost her fucked up self esteem.
Don't be that guy. I'd say you're worth more than that but that wouldn't really be true right now, but if you ignore her then you'll be making the first step in the right direction
I'm very glad that i did this with this girl instead of a hooker. a hooker would have made me feel much worse, lol. how pathetic is that, hahaha. at least this girl wanted to do things with me and wasnt just doing it for money.
if she wants to treat me like shit i wont allow it. honestly i just want to make out with her a few times, fool around more with her, do it my way, and then not see her again cuz I'm sure I could find a better girl to spend my time around.
jackangel said:don't worry, he'll read it. he'll respond. he'll appreciate it. he'll seem to understand and take it to heart. and then he'll continue the cycle.
btw, the term padawan implies that he's training to become a jedi, right? might want to reconsider that label.![]()
yep, i did read it and im going to respond, just havent had time to yet. but thats going to be my next large post.