Healother, honey, I'm gonna tell you a secret:
Being a CHRISTIAN hasn't got SHIT to do with sexual behavior. The laws and restrictions against sexual behavior come from ancient Hebraic law, and those grew out of the Jewish effort to place their culture in absolute opposition to goddess worship/paganism.
I'll never understand why Christians insist on even going anywhere near the Old Testament, those are Hebrew laws. Read the New Testament and you tell me what the Christ (not his disciples) said about sex and personal behavior. Nada. I think he said more about keeping kosher or not than he did about rubbing our naughty bits together.
Being a Christian means you follow the teachings of Christ, and Christ came to tell the Jews that the crap they were believing/following needed an upgrade. So be a Christian and stop worrying about Old Testament law.
Being a CHRISTIAN hasn't got SHIT to do with sexual behavior. The laws and restrictions against sexual behavior come from ancient Hebraic law, and those grew out of the Jewish effort to place their culture in absolute opposition to goddess worship/paganism.
I'll never understand why Christians insist on even going anywhere near the Old Testament, those are Hebrew laws. Read the New Testament and you tell me what the Christ (not his disciples) said about sex and personal behavior. Nada. I think he said more about keeping kosher or not than he did about rubbing our naughty bits together.
Being a Christian means you follow the teachings of Christ, and Christ came to tell the Jews that the crap they were believing/following needed an upgrade. So be a Christian and stop worrying about Old Testament law.