silver_shadow said:
so you let her do stuff to you... it's not the end of the world. just go back to page 5 (i think?) and read what tweakle posted. that is how you will have to retrieve the situation. both for the sake of your own self respect and also so you let her know that you aren't going to take shit in future... if that means telling her to fuck off, then so be it. this girl has done nothing but willingly and shamelessly taken advantage of what she calls your "innocence" and deserves to be banged by skinny fat highschool kids.
you have 2 choices really (unless you want her to mess around with you some more):
1) either you be assertive and bang the shit out of her.
2) tell her to get lost. i can understand that being 22 and not having had a relationship before causes you to see things differently, but be careful, it is your christian upbringing which makes you vulnerable to such bitches.
PS: heavy duty - that chick in your avi is HAWT.
yeah, she even told me that i'm not assertive enough, or secure enough and that its more attractive if a man is. i have a lot to work on.
the way i see it is that no skinny fat highschool boy deserves a chick this hot though. she's only had sexual relations with 2 men before, and only oral. she's a good find, if it werent for her crappy personality. she dropped me like a bag of sand after i major cuddled with her and let her grab my dick, wtf?
option 1) sounds pretty good right now, i really want to make out with this girl, stick my dick in her mouth, and then start fingering her or licking her pussy. but we'll see if that ever happens.
Tweakle said:
nice, you want to be kissed by a mouth that had someone else's cock in it the night before?
you're like the little puppy she has over to play with when she can't get what she wants, and ends up neglecting and abusing when she feels down on herself for having no self esteem. But I think you know that already.
On the plus side, plenty of girls are like that to varying degrees so at least you learned something about feeding off the bottom. Don't become the guy who goes after damaged girls in the hope of getting laid, or you'll be hanging out at homeless shelters before you know it or end up having a single mom suck you dry while she fucks her ex on the side.
No more posts about facebook ho-ing please.. cant you hook up with an FDS fresh little virgin type at your parents church?
not the night before, she hasnt had a cock in her mouth in months, the guy she likes is too shy to say he likes her back. you're right i am being the stupid puppy.
yeah, i dont want no girls who act like this. there is no way id consider this type of woman for a relationship.
What is an FDS fresh little virgin? I would not pull that stuff in my parents church that would look bad if word spread around, and I'd disgrace my family, that wouldnt be good. I'd rather go to some other church and try it. But its tough to meet women at churches, very tough! and most of them are strict as fuck about sex. I mean how are they going to stand there and worship and go to loaves and fishes on wednesday nights and then fuck dudes on thursday nights? very few regular church attending women have premarital sex constantly. most of the christian women who are into sucking dick, dont go to church regularly, in my experience.
silver_shadow said:
sorry but this made me laugh... there are hookers who would have given you more love than this kid did. and many are more upfront about the reasons why they do it - sometimes it isn't about being immoral... there are girls who do what this chick is doing to you and worse (she may still do it if given a chance) but no they never sell their bodies. big deal, they are still worse than single mother hookers who need to put their children through school.
For some reason if I have to pay for sex upfront, the whole thing is just a turnoff. Its not my style. I know women hoard sex like a treasure and men have a tough time getting it from them, but seriously, when money is involved it takes all the fun out of it and turns it into a business.
Maybe some hookers do behave better than this woman did, in that they are more honest, but thats not useful to me if she's still a hooker.
samoth said:
What the
Dude, what's wrong with you?
There's nothing wrong with being a virgin... there
is something wrong with paying a hooker for sex (well, in my opinion, anyway).
nothing is wrong with me.
Being a virgin isn't fun. I hope to lose my virginity by the time I'm 30. There's nothing morally wrong with being a virgin, but it does suck though if you have to wait too long.
I also think its messed up and wrong to pay a hooker for sex.
jackangel said:
again, everyone, stop putting the words 'hot' or 'hottie' anywhere near a reference to this girl. she's fucking blech. please start seeing her as unattractive, healother. do it. do it.
you havent seen her in person, she's got a cute face, petite nice body, and hella nice breasts. And I think she looks cute in that pic too btw, but each opinion to their own i guess.
musclemom said:
Healother, honey, I'm gonna tell you a secret:
Being a CHRISTIAN hasn't got SHIT to do with sexual behavior. The laws and restrictions against sexual behavior come from ancient Hebraic law, and those grew out of the Jewish effort to place their culture in absolute opposition to goddess worship/paganism.
I'll never understand why Christians insist on even going anywhere near the Old Testament, those are Hebrew laws. Read the New Testament and you tell me what the Christ (not his disciples) said about sex and personal behavior. Nada. I think he said more about keeping kosher or not than he did about rubbing our naughty bits together.
Being a Christian means you follow the teachings of Christ, and Christ came to tell the Jews that the crap they were believing/following needed an upgrade. So be a Christian and stop worrying about Old Testament law.
Yep, I realize the things you are saying. I thought about this stuff more recently, and this is part of the reason why I have relaxed my opinion on sex and virginity a bit.
But feelings can still get attached to sex in bad ways, if one isnt careful. Thats my bigger concern at the moment. And I dont think what I'm feeling is guilt either.
The_Clockwork said:
Is this healother a real guy?? I remember evansteve but are these fictional characters created by a bored ex or current member?? Can someone really be this desperate?
My advice: Be yourself and just go talk to a girl you find attractive, don't be a creepy online stalker-dater unless you are using a dating site!! facebook and myspace are known stalker sites and you only make yourself look like a stalker by asking girls out you've never met on them.
P.S. -- She's 18 in high school?? She's fucking insane, gauranteed!
Yes I am a real guy. evansteve was another name I went by.
I've actually heard of some people having a lot of success with myspace. I would consider trying it but I'm really not into the whole custom designed sites on myspace, its so ugly!
I am using hotornot right now, and paying the monthly fee to talk to other members, but I think I need to try something else, I just hate putting the work into making a profile and corresponding with people and using a new interface, while paying tons of money for it all at once (at least hotornot is cheap)
Yeah, she is 18 and in highschool. I have no idea why she invited me over at 4 in the morning. If I was a little girl alone in the house at night while my dad was out working, I would have never done it. But she was willing, so I did.
Gambino said:
that's harsh bro
he legitimatley needs our help/suggestions.
though he comes across stubborn and antiquated i fully believe he takes it all in and processes it.
he's not a bad bro, just confused about shit. that's why we offer assistance.
Thanks man, its good to know that someone on here understands me. I read every post written to me, and I try to respond to all the posts to me that are genuine (not short crappy ones like "get laid you pussy")
Women are a tough thing to figure out. Especially if you are a guy like me, who innately does everything wrong, and has to relearn his entire nature.